An Efficient Information Retrieval System for Unstructured Data Using Inverted Index

  • 투고 : 2024.07.05
  • 발행 : 2024.07.30


The inverted index is combination of the keywords and posting lists associated for indexing of document. In modern age excessive use of technology has increased data volume at a very high rate. Big data is great concern of researchers. An efficient Document indexing in big data has become a major challenge for researchers. All organizations and web engines have limited number of resources such as space and storage which is very crucial in term of data management of information retrieval system. Information retrieval system need to very efficient. Inverted indexing technique is introduced in this research to minimize the delay in retrieval of data in information retrieval system. Inverted index is illustrated and then its issues are discussed and resolve by implementing the scalable inverted index. Then existing algorithm of inverted compared with the naïve inverted index. The Interval list of inverted indexes stores on primary storage except of auxiliary memory. In this research an efficient architecture of information retrieval system is proposed particularly for unstructured data which don't have a predefined structure format and data volume.



Authors are grateful to Dr. Muhammad Irfan Khan, Department of Computer Science, GC University Faisalabad for his valuable suggestions in the analysis of data.


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