Modeling and Trends of Road Transport Development in Eastern European Countries

  • 투고 : 2024.03.05
  • 발행 : 2024.03.30


Road transport occupies the largest share in domestic and international transport. It is of key importance for the development of the economy, forasmuch as it provides the livelihood of the population, the development of the national economy, the possibility of establishing foreign economic relations. The purpose of the research is as follows: analysis of the current state of functioning of the road transport sector in Eastern Europe and identification of key problems and trends in its development. Research methods: Methods of grouping, comparison and generalization, correlation analisys have been used to identify the dynamics of the main indicators of road transport in Eastern Europe. The method of correlation-regression analysis has been applied to determine the impact of increasing the length of roads on the turnover of the road freight transport and the number of employed population in this area. Results. It has been found that the increase in the employed population by 96% and increase in revenues from transportation and storage of goods, postal and courier services (turnover of the road freight transport - in the original language) in the field of road transport by 82% is explained by the change in transport infrastructure capacity by increasing length of highways. According to the correlation analysis, it has been revealed that there is a high direct dependence between the length of roads and increased revenues from transportation and storage of goods in the field of road transport, as well as between the length of roads and increasing employment in this area.



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