On Cyclic Delay Diversity with Single Carrier OFDM Based Communication Network

  • A. Sathi Babu (Dept. of ECE, NRIIT) ;
  • M. Muni Chandrika (Dept. of ECE, NRIIT) ;
  • P. Sravani (Dept. of ECE, NRIIT) ;
  • M. Sindhu sowjanyarani (Dept. of ECE, NRIIT) ;
  • M. Dimpu Krishna (Dept. of ECE, NRIIT)
  • Received : 2024.02.05
  • Published : 2024.02.29


Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) is a diversity scheme used in OFDM-based telecommunication systems, transforming spatial diversity into frequency diversity and thus avoiding intersymbol interference without entailing the receiver to be aware of the transmission strategy making the signal more reliable achieving full diversity gain in cooperative systems. Here the analyzation of the influence of CDD-SC scheme in Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is done with the challenge of overcoming the complication called channel estimation along with overhead in CNR. More specifically, the closed-form expressions for outage probability and symbol error rate are divided under different frequencies among independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) frequency selective fading channel model i.e., the signal is divided into different frequencies and transmitted among several narrow band channels of different characteristics. It is useful in the reduction of interference and crosstalk. The results reveal the diversity order of the proposed system to be mainly affected by the number of multipath components that are available in the CNR.



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