Comprehensive Review of Quality Certification Follow-up Management Audit Outcomes Following the Dual Role as Quality Manager for Recycled Aggregate

순환골재 품질담당자 겸직 허용 이후 품질인증 사후관리 심사결과 고찰

  • Jeon, Soo-Min (Department of Construction Test & Certification, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology)
  • Received : 2024.01.09
  • Accepted : 2024.03.07
  • Published : 2024.04.20


The adjustment in guidelines for quality certification of recycled aggregate permitted the Quality Control Manager of a company specializing in recycled aggregate quality certification to concurrently assume the role of Environmental Management Manager. Analysis of the outcomes from the 2023 recycled aggregate quality certification follow-up management audit conducted by the certification agency revealed that in 95 out of 242 cases, constituting approximately 39% of the total cases, individuals held concurrent positions. Following the regulatory revision, there has been a notable proliferation of concurrent roles across various enterprises. Concerns arose regarding the potential neglect of quality control for certified recycled aggregates in comparison to scenarios where individuals are solely responsible for specific duties related to quality and environmental management. Audit results encompassing six aspects, including waste management, were evaluated on a scale of 6 points. A comparative analysis was conducted between the outcomes of 147 cases managed by dedicated personnel, as previously practiced, and 95 cases managed by individuals with concurrent roles. Although the average score of the latter group was marginally lower, no statistically significant disparity was observed between the two groups. Consequently, apprehensions regarding the oversight of quality control stemming from the allowance of concurrent roles appear unfounded. Within the context of recent regulatory revisions, permitting concurrent roles in managerial capacities is deemed an appropriate relaxation of regulations.

2021년 12월 「순환골재 품질인증 및 관리에 관한 규칙」 개정 및 2022년 11월 「순환골재 품질인증업무 처리요령」 개정에 따라 순환골재 품질인증업체의 품질관리담당자가 환경관리담당자를 겸직하는 것이 허용되었다. 2023년에 인증업무처리기관에서 실시한 순환골재 품질인증 사후관리 심사결과를 살펴보니 전체 242건 중 약 39%인 95건의 경우 겸직이 이루어지고 있었다. 규정 개정 직후 다수의 업체에서 광범위하게 겸직이 이루어지고 있는 것인데, 품질과 환경에 대한 각 담당자의 전담 업무수행 시와 비교할 때 인증 순환골재에 대한 품질관리가 소홀해질 가능성이 있겠다는 우려를 전제로 상기 사후관리 심사결과를 분석하여 보았다. 폐기물관리 등 6개 심사항목에 대한 심사결과를 6점 만점으로 정량화하고, 종전과 동일하게 겸직 없이 전담 인력이 관리하는 147건과 겸직 인력이 관리하는 95건의 심사결과를 비교하였다. 상기 결론과 같이 후자의 평균점수가 미미하게 낮았으나 양자 사이에 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 겸직 허용에 따른 품질관리 소홀 우려는 2023년도 품질인증 사후관리 사업장심사의 경우 기우인 것으로 나타났으며 최근 규칙 및 요령 개정 내용 중 담당자 겸직 허용은 적절한 규제 완화였던 것으로 사료된다.



Research for this paper was carried out under the 2023 Recycled Aggregate Certification Project(project no. 20230060-001).


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