The Effect of Intrinsic Motivation on Individuals' Performance and the Mediating Role of Job Stress in the Republic of Korea Army

  • Yongjoon Park (Dept. of Law & Public Administration, Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon) ;
  • Sunggyun Shin (Dept. of Law & Public Administration, Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.19
  • 심사 : 2024.03.05
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


This study examines the relationship between intrinsic motivation and individuals' performance in the Republic of Korea armed forces and explores whether job stress mediates the relationship between intrinsic motivation and individuals' performance. The research questions are: (1) Does intrinsic motivation influence individual performance in military organizations? (2) Does job stress impact individual performance? and (3) Does job stress mediate the relationship between intrinsic motivation and individual performance? The study utilizes data collected from a 350 soldiers survey in the Special Forces Brigade and Special Assault Commando Regiment of the Republic of Korea's Army. We use structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the mediation role among intrinsic motivation, job stress, and individuals' performance. Research findings suggest that intrinsic motivation negatively impacts job stress. We also find that job stress has a positive effect on firearm skills. Moreover, the study reveals that the relationship between intrinsic motivation and firearm skills is partially mediated by job stress.



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