8주간 속도 기반 트레이닝이 전문 운동선수의 근력과 근 파워 능력에 미치는 영향

The Effect of an 8-weeks Velocity-based Training on Strength and Mechanical Power of Professional Athletes

  • Jae Ho Kim (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Korea National Sport University) ;
  • Sukhoon Yoon (Department of Community Sport, Korea National Sport University)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.27
  • 심사 : 2024.02.10
  • 발행 : 2024.03.31


Objective: The purpose of this study is to apply 8-week velocity-based training to domestic professional athletes and the kinematic and kinetic analysis of the 1-RM improvement of back squat and power clean, which can represent strength-power ability, to verify the effectiveness of velocity-based training in Korea and to establish a basic basis. Method: The subjects who participated in this study were 10 professional athletes from K University (age: 21.40 ± 0.97 yrs., height: 179.90 ± 3.54 cm., body mass: 71.298 ± 2.98 kg). All subjects performed back squat and power clean 1-RM before and after 8-weeks of velocity-based training. A 3-dimensional motion analysis with 8 infrared cameras and 4 channels of EMG was performed in this study. A paired t-test was used for statistical verification. The significant level was set at α=.05. Results: Both Back squat and Power Clean 1-RM showed statistically significant increases (p<.05). In the case of back squat, there was no statistically significant difference in both kinematic and kinetic variables (p>.05). In the case of Power Clean, only the quadriceps of Phase 1 showed a statistically significant decrease (p<.05). Conclusion: Domestic professional athletes can improve their strength-power ability through velocity-based training, and such training for at least 8-weeks is considered a way to improve their performance.



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