Accuracy Assessment of Forest Degradation Detection in Semantic Segmentation based Deep Learning Models with Time-series Satellite Imagery

  • Woo-Dam Sim (Division of Forest Sciences, Department of Forest Management, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Jung-Soo Lee (Division of Forest Sciences, Department of Forest Management, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2024.02.19
  • Accepted : 2024.03.02
  • Published : 2024.03.31


This research aimed to assess the possibility of detecting forest degradation using time-series satellite imagery and three different deep learning-based change detection techniques. The dataset used for the deep learning models was composed of two sets, one based on surface reflectance (SR) spectral information from satellite imagery, combined with Texture Information (GLCM; Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and terrain information. The deep learning models employed for land cover change detection included image differencing using the Unet semantic segmentation model, multi-encoder Unet model, and multi-encoder Unet++ model. The study found that there was no significant difference in accuracy between the deep learning models for forest degradation detection. Both training and validation accuracies were approx-imately 89% and 92%, respectively. Among the three deep learning models, the multi-encoder Unet model showed the most efficient analysis time and comparable accuracy. Moreover, models that incorporated both texture and gradient information in addition to spectral information were found to have a higher classification accuracy compared to models that used only spectral information. Overall, the accuracy of forest degradation extraction was outstanding, achieving 98%.



This research was funded by the Korea National Institute of Forest Science under project FM 0103-2021- 04-2023.


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