Effects of a modified surgical protocol on the positional accuracy of dental implants placed using fully guided implant surgery in the partially edentulous posterior ridge with distal extension: a dentiform model study

  • Young Woo Song (Department of Periodontology, Dental Hospital, Veterans Health Service Medical Center) ;
  • Seung Ha Yoo (Department of Periodontology, Research Institute for Periodontal Regeneration, Yonsei University College of Dentistry) ;
  • Ui-Won Jung (Department of Periodontology, Research Institute for Periodontal Regeneration, Yonsei University College of Dentistry)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.18
  • 심사 : 2024.02.06
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


PURPOSE. The present experiment aimed to evaluate the placement accuracy of fully guided implant surgery using a mucosa-supported surgical guide when the protocol of osteotomy and installation was modified (MP) compared to when the protocol was sequentially and conventionally carried out (CP). MATERIALS AND METHODS. For 24 mandibular dentiform models, 12 dentists (6 experts and 6 beginners) performed fully guided implant placements two times at the right first and second molar sites using a mucosa-supported surgical guide, once by the CP (CP group) and at the other time by the MP (MP group). The presurgical and postsurgical stereolithographic images were superimposed, and the deviations between the virtually planned and actually placed implant positions and the procedure time were compared statistically (P < .05). RESULTS. The accuracies were similar in the CP and MP groups. In the CP group, the mean platform and apex deviations at the second molar site for the beginners were +0.75 mm and +1.14 mm, respectively, which were significantly larger than those for the experts (P < .05). In the MP group, only the mean vertical deviation at the second molar site for the beginners (+0.53 mm) was significantly larger than that for the experts (P < .05). The procedure time was significantly longer for the MP group (+94.0 sec) than for the CP group (P < .05). CONCLUSION. In fully guided implant surgery using a mucosa-supported guide, the MP may improve the placement accuracy when compared to the CP, especially at sites farther from the most-posterior natural tooth.



We are very grateful to the 12 periodontal residents of Yonsei University Dental Hospital who participated in this research.


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