A Review of the Relationship between the Theory of 'Pizhuweiwei(脾主爲衛)' and Intestinal Flora

'비주위위(脾主爲衛)'와 장내(腸內) 세균총(細菌叢)의 상관성(相關性)에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Sook-Ei Jeong (Dept. of Korean Medicine and Healthcare, Kyung Hee Cyber University) ;
  • Bumjung Kim (Dept. of Korean Medicine and Healthcare, Kyung Hee Cyber University)
  • 鄭淑伊 (慶熙사이버大學校 韓方健康管理學科) ;
  • 金範正 (慶熙사이버大學校 韓方健康管理學科)
  • Received : 2024.01.29
  • Accepted : 2024.02.15
  • Published : 2024.02.25


Objectives : This paper focuses on recent research related to the relationship between 'Pizhuweiwei(脾主爲衛)' and intestinal flora, and suggests Korean Medical treatment methods that can treat and prevent diseases related to Spleen Deficiency(脾虛) such as ulcerative colitis, atrophic gastritis, diabetes, and obesity that is prevalent today. Methods : This study summarizes recent research results based on various literature on the relationship between the spleen and intestinal flora. Results : Polysaccharides contained in Jianpi herbs(健脾藥) have the effect of increasing beneficial bacteria and maintaining the diversity of intestinal microorganisms to improve intestinal function, managing intestinal metabolites to improve the body's immune function, and regulating the intestinal immune defense system. Therefore, based on the theory of 'Pizhuweiwei(脾主爲衛)', if the symptoms are treated through the spleen with Spleen-strengthening herbal medicinals, it could provide a substantial starting point for improving immunity. Conclusions : Polysaccharides contained in Jianpi herbs(健脾藥) could be considered as potential probiotics based on research findings which show that polysaccharides can regulate the intestinal flora and strengthen weak spleen, playing an important role.



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