공학계열 일학습병행제 학생의 자아존중감과 학습전이가 조직몰입도에 미치는 영향 - 자기효능감을 매개로

The Influence of Self-esteem and Transfer of Learning on Organizational Commitment, in Korean Work-Learning Dual System of Engineering Students - Mediated by Self-efficacy

  • 김창환 (영남이공대학교 스마트융합기계계열)
  • Kim, Changhwan (Division of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Yeungnam University College)
  • 투고 : 2023.12.26
  • 심사 : 2024.01.08
  • 발행 : 2024.01.31


This study attempted to develop an efficient management plan that allows both workers and organizations to coexist by analyzing the factors that influence the level of organizational immersion of engineering students. Analysis methods included frequency analysis, t-test, pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical analysis. Firstly, self-esteem and transfer of learning were influential factors on organizational commitment. Second, self-esteem and transfer of learning were influencing factors of self-efficacy. Third, self-efficacy was an influential factor in organizational commitment. Fourth, self-efficacy appeared as a mediating effect on self-esteem and organizational immersion in learning transfer. Therefore, it is necessary to look for various factors that can increase self-efficacy, and to find opportunities for students to be highly immersed in the organization while studying at the same time.



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