연속 순위 확률 점수를 활용한 통합 앙상블 모델에 대한 기온 및 습도 후처리 모델 개발

Enhancing Medium-Range Forecast Accuracy of Temperature and Relative Humidity over South Korea using Minimum Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) Statistical Correction Technique

  • 복혜정 (기상청 수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과) ;
  • 김준수 (기상청 수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과) ;
  • 김연희 (기상청 수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과) ;
  • 조은주 (기상청 수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과) ;
  • 김승범 (기상청 수치모델링센터 수치자료응용과)
  • Hyejeong Bok (Numerical Data Application Division, Numerical Modeling Center, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Junsu Kim (Numerical Data Application Division, Numerical Modeling Center, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Yeon-Hee Kim (Numerical Data Application Division, Numerical Modeling Center, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Eunju Cho (Numerical Data Application Division, Numerical Modeling Center, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Seungbum Kim (Numerical Data Application Division, Numerical Modeling Center, Korea Meteorological Administration)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.13
  • 심사 : 2023.11.21
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


The Korea Meteorological Administration has improved medium-range weather forecasts by implementing post-processing methods to minimize numerical model errors. In this study, we employ a statistical correction technique known as the minimum continuous ranked probability score (CRPS) to refine medium-range forecast guidance. This technique quantifies the similarity between the predicted values and the observed cumulative distribution function of the Unified Model Ensemble Prediction System for Global (UM EPSG). We evaluated the performance of the medium-range forecast guidance for surface air temperature and relative humidity, noting significant enhancements in seasonal bias and root mean squared error compared to observations. Notably, compared to the existing the medium-range forecast guidance, temperature forecasts exhibit 17.5% improvement in summer and 21.5% improvement in winter. Humidity forecasts also show 12% improvement in summer and 23% improvement in winter. The results indicate that utilizing the minimum CRPS for medium-range forecast guidance provide more reliable and improved performance than UM EPSG.



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