본 논문은 한국수력원자력(주)에서 재원을 부담하여 수행한 연구결과입니다(제 2023-기술-05호 No. 2023-TECH-05, 과제명: 탄력운전 적용에 따른 SMR 기기의 열피로 실험 및 손상 안전여유도 평가 기술 개발).
In this study, the influencing factors of the four simplified elastic-plastic analysis methods (ASME B&PV Code Sec. III NB, ASME Code Cases N-779, N-904 and JSME EPD Code Case) for thermal fatigue loading were investigated via FE analysis of a simulated specimen. As expected, the ASME B&PV Code Sec. III NB method is the most conservative, because it applies the same Ke-factor to both primary and secondary stresses. The JSME EPD Code Case predicts a fatigue life 1 to 2 times longer than the ASME Code Sec. III method, depending on the restraint condition. The Code Case N-904 predicts a fatigue life 1 to 5 times longer. Finally, the Code Case N-779 provides the greatest reduction in conservatism, with a predicted fatigue life 3 to 7 times longer than the ASME Code Sec. III method.
본 논문은 한국수력원자력(주)에서 재원을 부담하여 수행한 연구결과입니다(제 2023-기술-05호 No. 2023-TECH-05, 과제명: 탄력운전 적용에 따른 SMR 기기의 열피로 실험 및 손상 안전여유도 평가 기술 개발).