A 8.8 GHz phase-locked loop for Ring Oscillator type TDC in dToF SPAD LiDAR RX system

SPAD 를 사용한 dToF LiDAR Rx 시스템에서 Ring Oscil-lator type 의 TDC 를 위한 8.8 GHz PLL

  • Yehyeon An (Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ;
  • Seungju Lee (Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ;
  • Minjoo Yoo (Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University) ;
  • Jinwook Burm (Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University)
  • Received : 2024.06.14
  • Accepted : 2024.10.30
  • Published : 2024.12.31


This Paper presents an analog charge-pump based phase-locked loop(PLL) for stabilizing the oscillation frequency of Ring Oscillator type Time-to-Digital Converter(TDC) in discrete Time-of-Flight Light detection and ranging(dToF LiDAR). To ensure the high resolution and accuracy of TDC, PLL is designed by stabilizing the oscillation frequency of TDC and reducing the phase noise. Even though the target time resolution of TDC is 200 ps, both PLL and TDC are designed with an operating frequency of 8.8 GHz due to variations in parasitic components after the process. The locking time of PLL is accomplished to stabilize the system with a fast locking time of PLL. The PLL is realized that locking time is less than 2.4 us, phase noise is -82.57 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and the reference spur of 8.8 GHz is -46.24 dBc.

본 논문은 discrete Time-of-Flight Light detection and ranging(dToF LiDAR)의 oscillation frequency 를 안정화하기 위한 아날로그 phase-locked loop(PLL)을 제시한다. Time-to-Digital Converter(TDC)의 고해상도와 정확도를 보장하기 위해 PLL 은 TDC 의 oscillation frequency 를 안정화하도록 빠른 locking 시간과 위상잡음을 줄임으로써 설계되었다. TDC 의 목표 시간 분해능은 200 ps 이지만 공정 후 기생 구성요소의 변화를 고려하여 PLL 과 TDC 모두 8.8 GHz 의 주파수에서 작동하도록 설계하였다. 2.4 us 미만의 locking time 은 TDC 의 빠른 안정화에 기여를 하며 전체 시스템의 안정적인 동작을 실현한다. 1 MHz 오프셋에서 위상 잡음이 -82.57 dBc/Hz 이며, 8.8GHz 의 reference spur 는 -46.24 dBc 를 보인다.



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