본 연구는 산업통상자원부 디자인혁신역량강화 사업의 일환으로 수행하였음(20026643, 미래 시장 서비스를 위한 지능화 기술 기반 개인맞춤형 스타일 디자인 플랫폼 개발).
This study examines the impact of informational messaging and eco-conscious ambiances in online virtual reality (VR) fashion stores on consumers' intentions for eco-friendly consumption. By focusing on three dimensions of message informativity and the persuasive power of eco-friendly consumption messages, we investigate how immersive VR environments can foster eco-friendly consumption. Using a three-dimensional VR store simulation with eco-friendly and modern designs, the study assessed the effects on consumers' perceptions and intention through the elaboration likelihood model and cue consistency theory. Participants experienced the VR store under two primary visit motivation typess-browsing versus purchasing-and two store ambiance types-eco-friendly versus modern-and then completed online surveys. Results The results indicated that the eco-friendly VR ambiance significantly increased the perceived informativity and persuasiveness of eco-conscious consumption messages, particularly among exploratory shoppers. Reliability emerged as the most influential factor in boosting message persuasiveness and eco-friendly consumption participation intentions. These findings suggest that VR technology can effectively promote sustainable fashion by creating reliable, immersive experiences. Given that current VR store visits are often motivated by interest-based browsing rather than by specific purchase intent, this study contributes to the understanding of the eco-conscious consumption messaging and communication strategies in the new fashion retail space.
본 연구는 산업통상자원부 디자인혁신역량강화 사업의 일환으로 수행하였음(20026643, 미래 시장 서비스를 위한 지능화 기술 기반 개인맞춤형 스타일 디자인 플랫폼 개발).