From Goals to Engagement: The Impact of Achievement Goal Theory on Value Co-Creation in Fitness Clubs

  • 투고 : 2024.10.17
  • 심사 : 2024.12.05
  • 발행 : 2024.12.30


Purpose: The increasing competition in the fitness industry has driven the need for clubs to better understand how to engage and retain members. This study examines the application of Achievement Goal Theory in the context of customer engagement and value co-creation within fitness clubs. The research aims to explore the psychological factors driving members' motivation, engagement, and retention, along with the role of value co-creation in enhancing customer experiences. Research design, data and methodology: A quantitative research design was adopted, with data collected from 364 fitness club members in Vietnam through structured surveys. The analysis employed structural equation modeling to assess the relationships between mastery goals, performance-approach goals, fitness club mastery goals, customer engagement, and value co-creation. Results: the research reveals that mastery and performance-approach goals significantly enhance customer engagement, which, in turn, positively influences value co-creation through co-production and value-in-use. Conclusions: These findings suggest that fitness clubs can improve member retention and satisfaction by fostering environments that support diverse motivational orientations and encourage active customer participation in service development. The study provides valuable insights for fitness managers to optimize engagement strategies and improve service distribution.



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