Critical Issues in Automotive Software Ecosystems and Development Approach

자동차 소프트웨어 생태계 관련 주요 이슈 및 발전방안

  • J.S. Kim
  • 김주성 (지능화정책연구실)
  • Published : 2023.10.01


Software is becoming increasingly important, accounting for more than 90% of the innovations in the automotive industry nowadays. In fact, the share of software in the automotive market is estimated to be around 40%. Accordingly, the shift from hardware- to software-centric vehicles, represented by software-defined vehicles (SDVs), will drastically reorganize the automotive industry ecosystem. This article presents challenges that the automotive ecosystem needs to solve and measures that each participant in the ecosystem should adopt in line with the transition to SDVs in the automotive industry. It is expected that tier-1 suppliers will face difficulties due to the decoupling of software and hardware, and OEMs will need to strengthen cooperation to share costs and shorten development periods to cope with the huge cost of software development.



이 연구는 한국전자통신연구원 연구운영지원사업의 일환으로 수행되었음[23ZR1400, 국가 지능화 기술정책 및 표준화 연구].


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