United States-China Competition for Technological Supremacy in Quantum Computing and Policy Trends

미중 기술패권 경쟁과 양자컴퓨팅 정책 동향

  • S.J. Lee ;
  • S.H. Jeong ;
  • B.S. Cho
  • 이선재 (기술경제연구실) ;
  • 정선화 (기술경제연구실 ) ;
  • 조병선 (기술경제연구실 )
  • Published : 2023.08.01


The competition for technological supremacy is unfolding in the high-tech field, and quantum computing can be determinant for economic and security ripple effects. The United States and China, leaders in quantum computing, have developed this field through adequate policies. The United States has fostered quantum computing through government policies and competition among private companies, while China has secured world-class technology through large-scale government investment and attracting foreign talent. In quantum computing, securing talented people is essential to guarantee independent technology development regarding academic attributes and security. We analyze quantum computing policies in the United States and China on a timeline and determine their policy trends. In addition, the policies for securing talent in these countries are reviewed, and the policy effects are compared based on literature analysis. Through the analysis of policy cases between the United States and China, bilateral policy implications for Korea are delineated.



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