Trends in Development of Intelligent Response Technology for 112 and 119 Emergency Calls

112, 119 긴급신고 대응 지능화 기술 개발 동향

  • M.J. Lee ;
  • H.H. Park ;
  • M.S. Baek ;
  • E.J. Kwon ;
  • S.W. Byon ;
  • Y.S. Park ;
  • E.S. Jung ;
  • H.S. Park
  • 이민정 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터 ) ;
  • 박현호 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터) ;
  • 백명선 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터 ) ;
  • 권은정 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터 ) ;
  • 변성원 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터) ;
  • 박영수 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터) ;
  • 정의석 (과학치안공공ICT연구센터 ) ;
  • 박혜숙 (국방안전융합연구본부 )
  • Published : 2023.06.01


Emergency numbers, such as 112 and 119, are used in many countries to connect people in need with emergency services such as police, fire, and medical assistance. We describe development directions of intelligent response technology for emergency calls. The development of this technology refers to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of response systems by using advanced methods such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics. We focus on a system that assists the receptionist of an emergency call. In the future, the recognition rate and decision-making accuracy of intelligent response technologies should be improved considering characteristics of public safety and emergency domain data. Although the current technology remains at the level of assisting a receptionist, a fully autonomous response technology is expected to emerge in the future.



이 논문은 2023년도 정부(경찰청)의 재원으로 지원받아 수행된 연구결과임[내역사업명: 112 긴급출동 의사결정 지원 시스템 / 연구개발과제번호: PR08-03-000-21].


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