• TANVEER AHMAD TARRAY (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Islamic University of Science and Technology) ;
  • ZAHOOR AHMAD GANIE (Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic University of Science and Technology)
  • Received : 2023.04.24
  • Accepted : 2023.09.12
  • Published : 2023.11.30


When sensitive topics such as gambling habits, drug addiction, alcoholism, tax evasion tendencies, induced abortions, drunk driving, past criminal involvement, and homosexuality are the focus of open or direct surveys, it becomes challenging to obtain accurate information due to nonresponse bias and response bias. People often hesitate to provide truthful answers. Warner introduced an ingenious method to address this issue. In this study, a new and unrelated randomized response model is proposed to eliminate misleading responses and nonresponses caused by the stigma associated with the attribute being investigated. The proposed randomized response model allows for the estimation of the population percentage with the sensitive characteristic in an unbiased manner. The characteristics and recommendations of the proposed randomized response model are examined, and numerical examples are provided to support the findings of this study.



The authors are thankful to the Editor - in- Chief and to the learned referees for their valuable suggestions regarding improvement of the paper.


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