The Influence of the Tools of Liberalism and the Clash of Civilizations on Arabs' Perceptions of the United States of America

  • Ali A Dashti (Gulf University for Science & Technology) ;
  • Ali Al-Kandari (Gulf University for Science & Technology) ;
  • Ahmed R. Alsaber (American University of Kuwait) ;
  • Ahmad Al-Shallal (Gulf University for Science & Technology)
  • Received : 2023.04.18
  • Accepted : 2023.10.19
  • Published : 2023.11.30


Adopting the Tools of Liberalism and Clash of Civilizations theories of international relations, this study examines the perceptions of 25,406 Arabs in 11 Arab countries as expressed in an Arab Barometer survey exploring their perceptions of violence against the United States (US), American citizens as "good," President Donald Trump's foreign policy in the Middle East, increasing economic relations with the US, and welcoming American foreign aid. As aspects of the Clash of Civilizations theory, this study examines religiosity, religious ritual practices, and political Islam and, as aspects of liberalism, this study explores the roles of online media as well as perceptions about US foreign aid in the prediction of the criterion variables. The findings suggest that religious indicators, and aspects of the Clash of Civilizations generally, were negative predictors of the perceptions, while social media and motivations for US foreign aid as aspects of liberalism, positively predicted the perceptions. The study discusses the results in relation to implications for policy makers.



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