장산뢰(張山雷)의 중풍(中風) 치료법(治療法)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 『중풍각전(中風斠詮)』을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Zhongfeng Treatment of Zhang Shanlei Based on the Zhongfeng Jiaoquan

  • 李相協 (東義大學校 韓醫科大學 原典學敎室)
  • Lee Sang-Hyup (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Dong-eui University)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.30
  • 심사 : 2023.11.08
  • 발행 : 2023.11.25


Objectives : This paper aims to study the characteristics of zhongfeng treatment by examining the eight principles of zhongfeng treatment in the Zhongfeng Jiaoquan of Zhang Shanlei along with Zhang Bolong's treatment of 'Yangxu Leizhongfeng[Yang deficiency pseudo Wind damage]' which is missing from the eight principles. Methods : The treatment methods in the Zhongfeng Jiaoquan was organized in the order of cause, characteristic, symptom, treatment, and precautions, in order to analyze features that were emphasized by Zhang in zhongfeng treatment. Results : First, treatment for bizheng is to 'open and close', then apply methods of 'qianyang jiangqi(潛陽降氣)' and 'zhenni huatan(鎭逆化痰)' while that for tuozheng is to 'lianyin yiye(戀陰益液)' accompanied by medicinals that 'qianzhen xutang(潛鎭虛陽)'. Second, treatment for ganyang shangnizheng is to 'qianzhen rougan', while for tanzian yongsezheng, one must 'dangdi(蕩滌)' for those who are strong in qi, 'xiehua(泄化)' for those who are weak in qi, while for those who have qinizheng[qi reverse syndrome] to 'shunqi(順氣).' Third, for deficiency in xinye and ganyin, one must 'yuyin yangxue[育陰養血]', while for deficiency in shenyin, one must first 'qianjiang shena[潛降攝納]' then slowly apply the method of 'ziyang shenyin[滋養腎陰]' if there is no phlegm turbidity. Fourth, in order to communicate the meridians and unfold collaterals, if the pathogen is external, apply the method of 'yangxue tongluo[養血通絡]', while if the pathogen is internal, calm by doing 'qianyang zhenni[潛陽鎭逆].' Fifth, in order to treat pseudo zhongfeng caused by yang deficiency, one must 'lianyin gutuo[戀陰固脫]' while using medicinals that 'jiangxiang[潛降]'. Conclusions : Treatment of zhongfeng in the Zhongfeng Jiaoquan diverged from 'wenjing sanhan', the usual approach to zhongfeng which sees it as external, and established the 'qianjiang zhenshe [潛降鎭攝]' treatment method based on the internal wind theory. It suggests a new Korean Medical pathology based on theories of Western medicine, and introduces eight principles in treating zhongfeng, which would influence the treatment of zhongfeng in the future.



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