A Study on the 'Tangaek-Unhoei(湯液韻彙)' Index of Herbal Medicine in the Inje-Ji(仁濟志) of the Imwon-Gyeongje-Ji(林園經濟志), by Seo-Yugu(徐有榘) Focusing on 'Fang(方)'

풍석(楓石) 서유구(徐有榘)의 『임원경제지(林園經濟志)』 「인제지(仁濟志)」 '탕액운휘(湯液韻彙)'와 처방 제형에 대한 연구 - '방(方)'을 중심으로 -

  • JEON, Jongwook (The Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National Univ.)
  • 전종욱 (전북대학교 한국과학문명학연구소)
  • Received : 2023.08.04
  • Accepted : 2023.09.10
  • Published : 2023.11.25


Objectives : This paper studies the Tangaek-Unhoei(湯液韻彙) index of herbal medicine in the Inje-Ji(仁濟志) of the Imwon-Gyeongje-Ji(林園經濟志), which contains about 4,800 formulas. Created by 19th-century Joseon scholar Seo, Yugu, it not only lists the formulas according to their names, but also provides index by topic, which enabled the collection and effective application of massive medical information. Methods : We quantitatively examined the nearly 4,800 herbal medicines in the Tangaek-Unhoei and their categorization. Any uncommon or particular categorization was examined further by analyzing the original text. Results & Conclusions : The prescriptions contained in the Inje-Ji are categorized under 26 headings. They are listed according to the 106 units of the Chinese character dictionary and organized by double headings. This unique index makes it easy to browse the contents of such a vast book containing massive medicinal knowledge. In addition, the fifty or so remedies called 'Fang(方)' exemplify the author's attitude toward medicinal knowledge, which is both rational and inclusive. This is an attitude that should be recognized beyond tradition.



이 논문은 2023년도 전북대학교 교육 연구 및 학생지도비 지원 프로그램의 도움을 받아 작성되었습니다.


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