Demosaicing based Image Compression with Channel-wise Decoder

  • Indra Imanuel (Dept. Computer Engineering, Dongseo University) ;
  • Suk-Ho Lee (Dept. Artificial Intelligence Appliance, Dongseo University)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.23
  • 심사 : 2023.09.05
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


In this paper, we propose an image compression scheme which uses a demosaicking network and a channel-wise decoder in the decoding network. For the demosaicing network, we use as the input a colored mosaiced pattern rather than the well-known Bayer pattern. The use of a colored mosaiced pattern results in the mosaiced image containing a greater amount of information pertaining to the original image. Therefore, it contributes to result in a better color reconstruction. The channel-wise decoder is composed of multiple decoders where each decoder is responsible for each channel in the color image, i.e., the R, G, and B channels. The encoder and decoder are both implemented by wavelet based auto-encoders for better performance. Experimental results verify that the separated channel-wise decoders and the colored mosaic pattern produce a better reconstructed color image than a single decoder. When combining the colored CFA with the multi-decoder, the PSNR metric exhibits an increase of over 2dB for three-times compression and approximately 0.6dB for twelve-times compression compared to the Bayer CFA with a single decoder. Therefore, the compression rate is also increased with the proposed method than with the method using a single decoder on the Bayer patterned mosaic image.



This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea under Grant NRF-2022R1I1A3065211


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