Factors Influencing the Intention to Continue Using the Metaverse: Focusing on the Influence of Social Norms

  • Mina Lee (Department of Advertising & Public Relations, Kookmin University) ;
  • Minjung Kim (Department of Advertising & Public Relations, Dongeui University)
  • 투고 : 2023.10.18
  • 심사 : 2023.11.17
  • 발행 : 2023.11.30


This study aims to examine factors influencing the intention to continue using the metaverse, focusing on the impact of social norms. Specifically, direct and indirect effects of technical characteristics (perceive quality, interactivity, perceived playfulness), user characteristics (self-efficacy, personal innovativeness), and social influence factors (descriptive norm, injunctive norm, subjective norm) on continuous use intention were examined. The role of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness as a mediator was also examined. An online survey was conducted with 165 college students attending universities in two large cities in South Korea who had used the metaverse. As a result, perceived playfulness, descriptive norm, and perceived usefulness directly influenced continuous use intention. Perceived playfulness, interactivity, and subjective norm influenced continuous use intention indirectly through perceived usefulness. This study theoretically extends the Technology Acceptance Model by specifying social influence in metaverse contexts. Practical implications are provided in terms of marketing strategy for the metaverse industry to continue to grow and develop.



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