조선 전기 서울 지역 지배층 저택의 규범적 건물 유형과 배치

Normative Building Types and Layout of Ruling Class Residences in the Seoul area in the Early Joseon Dynasty

  • 이종서 (울산대학교 역사.문화학과)
  • 투고 : 2023.09.04
  • 심사 : 2023.10.11
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


Before the 15th century, the main buildings of the residences of the ruling class in Seoul consisted of Momchae(身梗), Seocheong(西廳), and Naeru(內樓)‧Chimru(寢樓). Based on the equality of the relationship between husband and wife, the couple lived in the main building[Momchae] in the center of the mansion, but based on the individuality of the relationship between husband and wife, each had an area consisting of the same section within the building. Naeru·Chimru was the two floors bedroom building became a common living space for the minister and wife, upstairs in summer, downstairs in winter. In preparation for large gatherings and important receptions, an open-structured West Hall(西廳) was located on the west side of the mansion. Momchae, Seocheong, and Naeru‧Chimru were the common building types and layouts of the residences of the highest ruling class, including high-ranking officials, until the reign of King Sejong. However, from around the time of King Seongjong, Seocheong and Chimru came to be regarded as privileged and luxurious buildings only allowed for the grand prince's residence. The layout of the bedroom, main building (including Wings), Outer Sarang[外舍廊], and Joyangru[朝陽樓] of Prince Bongrim's mansion built in the first half of the 17th century clearly shows the transitional period when the arrangement of chimru, main building, and western office was disrupted and the layout changed to the Inner main building(Anchae for wife) and Outer main building(Sarangchae for husband).



남별궁 사진의 존재와 소장처를 알려주고, 특히남별궁 남루 사진을 발견하여 파일을 제공해 주신김버들 선생님께 감사드린다.


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