영건(營建) 관련 자료를 통해 본 조경단(肇慶壇)의 건축특성

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Jogeongdan Examined through Construction-Related Records

  • 투고 : 2023.08.12
  • 심사 : 2023.09.09
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


Jogyeongdan is an altar built by the Korean Empire within the burial grounds of Sijomyo(始祖墓), the Jeonju Lee clan, as a part of their posthumous respecting project. This site adheres to strict rules and formalities that are comparable to those of the royal tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, with its altars and monument House demonstrating construction techniques that hold high value in architectural history. This study compares and analyzes construction-related records such as Uigwe, Statements, and Figure, along with their historical context. Through this effort, the study explores in detail the original form of Jogyeongdan at the time of its construction and subsequent transformations in later periods. Findings showed that the Figure was drawed by Chae Yongsin and was only a blueprint prior to the construction; it was modified during the actual construction process. A part of Jogyeongdan project was carried out by demolishing four government office buildings that were closed because of the Gabo Reform in order to secure wood and roof tiles, among other materials. Additionally, concluded the Jaesil was by relocated Deokryudang from Samryeyeokcham. Further, instances of distinctive terminology usage were found related to construction materials in the Jogyeongdan Uigwe, which were not used in another Uigwe. These terms were distinguished in detail according to the locations in which the materials were used.



이 논문은 2022학년도 원광대학교의 교비지원에 의해 수행됨


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