치아 보철물 디자인을 위한 이미지 대 이미지 변환 GAN 모델

An Image-to-Image Translation GAN Model for Dental Prothesis Design

  • 김태민 ((주)브이엠에스솔루션스 솔루션사업부) ;
  • 김재곤 (인천대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • 투고 : 2023.09.04
  • 심사 : 2023.10.11
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


Traditionally, tooth restoration has been carried out by replicating teeth using plaster-based materials. However, recent technological advances have simplified the production process through the introduction of computer-aided design(CAD) systems. Nevertheless, dental restoration varies among individuals, and the skill level of dental technicians significantly influences the accuracy of the manufacturing process. To address this challenge, this paper proposes an approach to designing personalized tooth restorations using Generative Adversarial Network(GAN), a widely adopted technique in computer vision. The primary objective of this model is to create customized dental prosthesis for each patient by utilizing 3D data of the specific teeth to be treated and their corresponding opposite tooth. To achieve this, the 3D dental data is converted into a depth map format and used as input data for the GAN model. The proposed model leverages the network architecture of Pixel2Style2Pixel, which has demonstrated superior performance compared to existing models for image conversion and dental prosthesis generation. Furthermore, this approach holds promising potential for future advancements in dental and implant production.



이 논문은 인천대학교 2023년도 자체연구비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음


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