Surgical Repair of Diaphragmatic Hernia-Related Small Intestinal Strangulation in a Neonatal Foal

  • Jungho Yoon (Equine Referral Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Jeechan Choi (Equine Referral Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Soomin Ko (Equine Referral Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Ahram Kim (Equine Referral Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority)
  • 투고 : 2023.08.25
  • 심사 : 2023.09.30
  • 발행 : 2023.10.31


This case report describes the clinical presentation and successful surgical repair of a diaphragmatic hernia-related small intestinal strangulation in a neonatal foal. A nine-day-old foal presented with colic signs and respiratory distress. History taking showed that the dam of the foal experienced difficulty during delivery, and the owner assisted in delivery by pulling on the foal. Radiography and ultrasonography confirmed the diaphragmatic rent and the presence of a small intestine within the thoracic cavity. Surgical intervention was required to repair the diaphragmatic defect and address the intestinal strangulation. The diaphragm was reconstructed, and the nonviable incarcerated portion of the small intestine was resected and anastomosed using an end-to-end technique. This unusual case report provides insights into the surgical repair and outcomes of an acquired diaphragmatic hernia in a neonatal foal.



This study was supported by the Horse Industry Research Center of the Korea Racing Authority.


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