Study on the Suitable Fermentation Period of Berry Sawdust for the Development of Protaetia brevitarsis Larva

흰점박이꽃무지 유충의 발육에 적합한 베리류톱밥 발효기간에 관한 연구

  • Ju-Rak Lim (Sericulture and Entomology Experiment Station, Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Sang-sik Lee (Sericulture and Entomology Experiment Station, Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Eun-Jin Lee (Sericulture and Entomology Experiment Station, Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Woong Kim (Sericulture and Entomology Experiment Station, Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Chang-hak Choi (Sericulture and Entomology Experiment Station, Jeollabuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services)
  • 임주락 (전라북도농업기술원 잠사곤충시험장) ;
  • 이상식 (전라북도농업기술원 잠사곤충시험장) ;
  • 이은진 (전라북도농업기술원 잠사곤충시험장) ;
  • 김웅 (전라북도농업기술원 잠사곤충시험장) ;
  • 최창학 (전라북도농업기술원 잠사곤충시험장)
  • Received : 2023.05.20
  • Accepted : 2023.08.23
  • Published : 2023.09.01


After examining the temperature change in berry sawdust during the fermentation period and the developmental characteristics of Protaetia brevitarsis larvae according to the fermentation period, it was found that the fermentation speed was faster than with oak sawdust and a fermentation period of 50-70 days was the most suitable for larval growth. During the fermentation period, the temperature change in sawdust was quickly fermented as berry sawdust passed a high temperature of more than 60℃ in the early stages of fermentation compared to fermentation speed of oak sawdust, and stabilized within 60 days. In individual breeding, the total growth period of P. brevitarsis larvae by fermentation period was the longest at 104.8 days after fermentation for 30 days, which was a significant difference. There was no difference in the growth period between 50 and 90 days of fermentation. Oak sawdust tended to be the same as berry sawdust, but the larval development period was approximately 30 days. The developmental period by larval stage differed greatly between berries and oak sawdust. The weight of larvae according to the fermentation period of sawdust was the lowest after 90 days of fermentation, with a long fermentation period for both berry and oak sawdust, and there was no difference in the 30-70 days fermentation periods. The survival rate was more than 95% in individual breeding, and there was no difference among the fermentation periods. However, in group breeding, the survival rate was lower than that of individual breeding and was lowest at 90 days of fermentation. In group breeding, the ratio of larvae weighing ≥ 2.5 g, which is the standard for shipment, was 85% after 30-70 days of fermentation of berry sawdust, but was lower at 70% after 90 days of fermentation, which was a significant difference. The survival rate with oak sawdust showed the same trend, which was approximately 10% lower than that with sawdust. In addition, the larvae from the berry sawdust weighed > 2.5 g in 40-60 days, while it took 75-105 days with oak-fermented sawdust.

베리류톱밥 발효기간중 톱밥내 온도변화와 발효기간에 따른 흰점박이꽃무지 유충의 발육특성을 조사한 결과 참나무톱밥에 비해 발효속도가 빠르고, 발효기간 50~70일이 유충 발육에 가장 적합하였다. 발효기간중 톱밥내 온도변화는 발효초기에 베리류톱밥이 참나무톱밥이 40℃이하로 경과한데 반하여 베리류톱밥은 60℃ 이상 고온으로 경과되면서 빠르게 발효가 되었고, 60일 이내에 안정화 되었다. 개체사육에서 발효기간별 흰점박이꽃무지 유충의 총 발육기간은 베리류톱밥은 30일간 발효에서 104.8일로 가장 길고, 유의차가 인정되었으며, 50~90일 발효는 90일 정도로 차이가 없었다. 참나무톱밥도 베리류톱밥과 마찬가지 경향이나, 유충 발육기간이 30일정도 길었다. 유충 령기별 발육기간은 베리류톱밥과 참나무 톱밥에서 차이가 컸고, 유의차가 인정되었다. 톱밥 발효기간에 따른 유충 무게는 베리류톱밥과 참나무톱밥 모두 발효기간이 긴 90일 발효에서 가장 가볍고, 발효기간 30~70일 발효에서는 차이가 없었다. 생존율은 개체사육에서는 95% 이상으로 발효기간에 따른 차이는 없었으나, 집단사육에서는 개체사육보다 생존율이 낮고, 발효기간 90일에서 가장 낮았다. 집단사육에서 출하기준인 2.5 g 이상 유충 비율은 베리류톱밥 발효기간 30~70일까지는 85% 정도로 차이가 없었지만, 발효기간 90일에서는 70%로 낮고, 유의차가 인정되었다. 참나무톱밥도 마찬가지 경향이며, 베리류톱밥에 비해 10%정도 낮았다. 또한, 베리류톱밥은 40~60일이면 유충의 무게가 2.5 g 이상이 되었고, 참나무 발효톱밥은 75~105일이 걸렸다.



본 연구는 농촌진흥청 지역특화작목기술개발과제(과제번호 : PJ012574, PJ016956)의 지원에 의하여 연구가 수행되었습니다.


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