1. Introduction
5G represents not only an advancement in wireless technology, but also a revolution in network service design [1]. According to [2-4], eMBB, massive machine-type communications (mMTC), and ultra reliable low latency communications (uRLLC) are the three key 5G applications. The primary difference between 4G and 5G is that 5G allows huge connections and incredibly low latency. To put it differently, the true strength of 5G is in creating a world where everything is connected. The network speed and latency requirements for mass terminal usage scenarios are changing, and 5G integrates them into a common network architecture. To meet the increasing network demands, 5G network slicing has been introduced as a vital technology [1].
With the use of network slicing, the physical network can be divided up into a number of logical networks to accommodate various applications with different performance and flexibility needs. In this paper, we investigate the RAN slicing issue for 5G universal services, in particular eMBB and V2X. In our suggested strategy, slicing ratios are initially determined using a heuristic-based algorithm with RL. The ratios are then changed to ensure equitable resource distribution and improve network performance. Slices that have more resources than they require to give the surplus to those that are in need, with transfers computed and carried out proportionately based on the resource requirements of each slice. The resources allotted to the slices are dynamically adjusted by RL by utilizing experience gained from network interaction. By doing this, resource usage is improved while maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) [1]. We specifically suggest a 5G network slicing design and traffic model distribution based on real-time RL. Based on the outcomes of our simulations, the suggested design enhances network efficiency in terms of resource use and outage likelihood.
Focus on a Specific Service Type, this work explores RAN slicing for 5G generic services, particularly eMBB and V2X.Here is the unique contribution of our paper as follows:
• We use a heuristic-based approach with RL in our method to allocate resources dynamically and effectively.
• We suggest a special system that will allow slices with surplus resources to proportionately help those in need.
• We present Reinforcement Learning, a novel method in network slicing, to improve resource consumption while maintaining QoS
• We compare a standard network slicing model and an RL-based model in real-time, assessing performance via PRB and outage probability metrics in our simulations.
The rest of the paper is arranged in the same way that Chapter 2 introduces the related work, Chapter 3 explains the system model design for radio resource slicing and the traffic model design for two slicing services, and also analyzes the outage problem of slicing services. Chapter 4 discusses the network slicing strategy based on the RL algorithm, detailing the Q-learning process based on the SoftMax strategy and the optimization solution based on the heuristic algorithm. Chapter 5 sets up the simulation that integrates network deployment and reinforcement learning strategy, and evaluates performance based on whether real-time estimation of online network characteristics is performed.
2. Related Work
In the literature, different works proposed solutions to design and control network slices [5-7]. A proper architecture for a 5G system based on network slicing to manage mobility between different service networks is proposed in [7]. Conversely, functional decomposition and network slicing are proposed in [8] as tools to refine the evolved packet core (EPC). They investigate the feasibility of a mobile core network on the basis of network slicing as well as functional decomposition. Reference [9] provides a customizable, adaptable software-defined (SD)-RAN architecture that focuses on the control plane supporting RAN control applications. Reference [10] focuses on admission control choices for network slice requests as well as network slice traffic analysis and forecast for each network slice. It proposes a measurement-based adaptive adjustment of the estimated load. The combined admission control of virtual wireless networks is also presented in [11] together with a heuristic approach and slicing. A network slicing coordination model based on service demand and resource availability is shown in [12]. They provide a framework for a Markovian decision-making process. [13] proposes a specific slicing strategy based on reinforcement learning and optimizes the results using heuristic algorithms. The choice-making procedure of the agent can be refined using diverse RL methodologies which are mentioned in this research work [14]-[17]. In addition, for the practical network model, this study [18] tackles virtual resource allocation, stochastic distribution, and relative assignment. In this paper, they proposed an offline RL-based 5G network slicing design and traffic model distribution. But in our paper, we propose another real-time RL-based 5G network slicing design and traffic model distribution and evaluate the performance between these two schemes. The simulation results show the improvement in terms of network performance with the proposed scheme.
3. System Model Design for DL
3.1 System Model and Service Distribution
The scenario considered is that a cellular Next Generation RAN Access Network (NG-RAN) has a gNodeB (gNB) consisting of a single cell. A group of eMBB cellular users are randomly distributed around gNB, numbered as m = 1, …, M. And as shown in Fig. 1, several independent vehicle flows travel down a straight route. The highway consists of six lanes, there are three lanes from the left to the right driving direction, the driving direction for the other three lanes is from right to left. According to the length of the highway, it is divided into smaller areas, thus the highway section is separated into clusters. Each vehicle is supposed to have User Equipment (UE) that can communicate with other UEs in the same cluster. The clusters are numbered as j = 1, …, C, the vehicles number in the j-th cluster is i = 1, …, V(j).
Fig. 1. The cellular network system model.
A Poisson process with an arrival rate of 𝜆𝑎 treats vehicles on the roadway as entering the cell. A Poisson process with a generation rate of 𝜆𝑚 generates the number of eMBB UEs [19].
3.2 Network Model for Slicing
Due to the fact that eMBB demands a lot of bandwidth for high data rate, V2X services are very latency sensitive, it is necessary to support both V2X and eMBB services simultaneously. The network is conceptually split into two slices, we assume V2X slice_ID = 1 and eMBB slice_ID = 2.
The entire cell bandwidth is arranged into Resource Blocks (RBs) with bandwidth B. The number of RBs in downlink is denoted as NDL. The slicing process should allocate DL RBs among the two slices. To do this, denote 𝛼𝑠,DL as the part of DL resources for slice_ID = s, where s = 1,2.
The relationship is expressed as follows:
∑𝑠 𝛼𝑠,𝐷𝐿 = 1 (1)
3.3 Traffic Model Design without Slicing Strategy
3.3.1 V2X Traffic Model
According to the Poisson arrival model, each vehicle is assumed to generate random packets at a rate of 𝜆niu packets/second [20]. The size of the message is 𝑆𝑚 . The messages are transmitted utilizing DL resources in cellular mode [21]. The average number of PRBs required for each transmission time interval (TTI) for V2X users with slice_ID = 1 in DL, denoted as 𝜏1,DL, can be written as:
\(\begin{aligned}\tau_{1, x}=\frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T} \sum_{j=1}^{C} \sum_{i=1}^{V(j)} \frac{m(j, i, t) \cdot S_{m}}{S P_{e f f}(j, i, t)}}{T \cdot B \cdot F_{d}}\end{aligned}\) (2)
where x∈{DL}, represents the link type, The number of messages sent by the vehicles is given by m(j,i,t), for the j-th cluster and in the t-th TTI, the spectral efficiency of the downlink is written by 𝑆𝑃eff, x, TTI duration is denoted as 𝐹𝑑, and T is the number of TTIs utilized to determine the time window for calculating the average value.
3.3.2 eMBB Traffic Model
Regarding the eMBB service, each eMBB user generates a session that requires a certain guaranteed bit rate. A Poisson process is followed as the session generation model with a rate of 𝜆𝑒 (sessions/s) and an exponential distribution of session durations averaged over 𝑇𝑒. These users transmit PRBs allocated to the eMBB slice in the downlink. For eMBB users with slice_ ID = 2, the average number of PRBs needed in DL to support a specific guaranteed bit rate Rb is denoted as 𝜏2,DL, can be written as:
\(\begin{aligned}\tau_{2, x}=\frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T} \sum_{m=1}^{M} \rho_{x}(m, t)}{T}\end{aligned}\) (3)
where x∈{DL}, 𝜌𝑥(𝑚,𝑡) is the required PRBs number by the m-th user in the downlink, in the t-th TTI to get the needed bit rate Rb. \(\begin{aligned}\rho_{x}(m, t)=\frac{R_{b}}{S P_{e f f, x} * B}\end{aligned}\). 𝜏2,DL which is calculated within a time window T .
3.4 Outage Problem for Slicing
The objective is determining the optimal slice ratios 𝛼𝑠,DL to maximize the total resource utilization subject to the constraint of meeting the demands for slice users [22], [23].
There is a constraint for the total DL resource utilization UDL, which states that the total resources allocated to this slice by the RAN slicing cannot be exceeded by the sum of the slice, i.e., 𝛼𝑠,DL ⋅ NDL . If not, an outage situation will be caused, and the utilization is limited to 𝛼𝑠,DL ⋅ NDL. So, it can be defined as:
𝑈DL = ∑s min (𝜏𝑠,DL, 𝛼𝑠,DL ⋅ NDL) (4)
where total downlink resources utilization UDL is the sum across all slices 𝑠 ,of the minimum between 𝜏𝑠,DL which seems to be the demand for resources in slice 𝑠𝑠 for DL and the resource allocated to that slice 𝛼𝑠,DL.NDL.
Accordingly, the downlink optimization problem is defined as maximizing the DL resource utilization while guaranteeing that the outage probability is less than a maximum allowable limit 𝑃out. Formally, this problem is stated as follows:
\(\begin{aligned}\max _{\alpha_{S, D L}} U_{D L}\end{aligned}\) (5)
s.t. Pr[𝜏𝑠,DL ≥ 𝛼𝑠,DL ⋅ NDL] < 𝑃out 𝑠 = 1,2 (5a)
∑𝑠 𝛼𝑠,DL = 1 (5b)
where UDL is resource utilization, 𝛼𝑠,DL represents the ratio of downlink resources allocated to as specific slice (s). The operator indicates that the optimization tries to find the value of 𝛼𝑠,DL that will maximize UDL. (5a) constraint ensures that the probability (Pr) of 𝜏𝑠,DL (amount of traffic on slice s in the downlink direction) exceeding the product of the downlink resource allocation ratio 𝛼𝑠,DL and the total number of DL resources NDL is less than a given outage probability limit 𝑝out. This constraint applies to all slices (s=1,2). (5b) constraints ensure that the sum of the Dl resource allocation ratios all slices (s) equals one, implying that all available resources must be allocated.
4. Network Slicing Strategy with RL Algorithm
RAN slicing is essentially a problem of optimization of network resource allocation, and we should select the optimal slicing ratio from a series of slicing ratios. That is, the optimal slicing ratio is selected based on the resulting resource utilization performance. For this reason, we decided to use reinforcement learning and low-complexity heuristics to solve this problem. Fig. 2 shows the overall approach. A slicing controller is considered to decide the slicing ratio, 𝛼𝑠,DL for each slice. There are two main parts in the operation of the slicing controller. In the initial segment, an RL algorithm identifies some intermediate slicing ratios, referred to as β𝑠,DL. The second part, which is a heuristic method, was added afterward. It takes the RL algorithm result as input and alters the slicing ratios to get the final slicing ratios 𝛼𝑠,DL. In the next sections, we will describe the combination in detail, respectively.
Fig. 2. RL-based RAN slicing strategy.
4.1 Q-learning Strategy
Assume an RL algorithm is performed for the downlink to determine β𝑠,DL. The state at the time ′𝑡′ , 𝑠(𝑡), for our reinforcement learning approach is made up of the rewards of previous actions (pastrewards), other significant network performance indicators, and the current and demanded resource allocations for V2X and eMBB services current_(allocationV2X) , current_(allocationeMBB). The state is therefore described as:
𝑠(𝑡) = {current_(allocationV2X), current_(allocationeMBB), current_(demandV2X), current_(demandeMBB), Pastrewards, other network performance metrics} (6)
Since the paper discusses the problem of slicing based on two service types, we set 20 slicing actions based on V2X and eMBB, the action set is:
\(\begin{aligned}\left\{\begin{array}{c}\beta_{1, x}(k)=0.05 k \\ \beta_{2, x}(k)=1-0.05 k\end{array}\right.\end{aligned}\) (7)
where 𝑘 = 1,2, … ,20, 𝑥 = {DL}, 𝛽1,𝑥(𝑘) is the fraction of the PRB reserved for V2X service and 𝛽2,𝑥(𝑘) is the fraction of the PRB reserved for eMBB service. In the procedure of RL, trying different action 𝑎𝑘 (different slicing ratios) to find an optimal solution. As the result of the action selection, the process of RL can get a reward RTOT, DL(𝑎𝑘), which evaluates how good the outcome of the action is in regard to the desired optimal goal. On the basis of reward, the decision-making of the RL algorithm can be adjusted, to gradually learn the actions that lead to the highest reward [24]. Selecting an action involves striking a balance between exploitation (doing actions with high rewards) and exploration (trying different actions to gain knowledge from them) [25].
In this paper, the considered RL algorithm is Q-learning, which is based on SoftMax decision and allows for the long-term exploration and exploitation of all feasible actions [26]. Therefore, the reward can be determined [27]. The next section will go through the details of the reward function and how the Q-learning algorithm works.
4.1.1 Reward Computation
The appropriate reward mechanism should be in line with the action's potential. On this basis, for a selected action 𝑎𝑘 with the corresponding slicing ratio 𝛽𝑠,DL(𝑘), a normalized resource utilization 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎𝑘) function can be used to calculate the reward for slice s, defined as the proportion of the resources allocated for the related action to the total resources actually consumed.
For the V2X slice (s=1):
\(\begin{aligned}\psi_{1, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)=\frac{\tau_{1, D L}}{\beta_{1, D L}(k) \cdot N_{D L}}\end{aligned}\) (8)
For the eMBB slice (s=2):
\(\begin{aligned}\psi_{2, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)=\frac{\tau_{2, D L}}{\beta_{2, D L}(k) \cdot N_{D L}}\end{aligned}\) (9)
According to these equations, the reward 𝑅𝑠,DL(𝑎𝑘) as a consequence of the action 𝑎𝑘 is described as:
\(\begin{aligned}R_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}e^{\psi_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)} & \psi_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right) \leq 1 \\ e^{-\psi_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)} & \psi_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)>1\end{array}\right.\end{aligned}\) (10)
In (10), the reward function increases exponentially to a maximum at 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎𝑘) = 1 as long as the value of 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎𝑘) is between 0 and 1. Thus, the actions that lead to an increase in this value, i.e., lead to higher utilization, also receive greater reward feedback.
On the contrary, if 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎𝑘) > 1, this case represents that slice s will have an outage. Therefore, the reward will be reduced. Moreover, since the total reward must consider the action effect on all the slices s = 1, 2, it is generally described as the geometric mean of the rewards for each slice:
\(\begin{aligned}R_{T O T, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)=\left(\prod_{s=1}^{2} R_{s, D L}\left(a_{k}\right)\right)^{\frac{1}{s}}\end{aligned}\) (11)
where 𝑅TOT,DL(𝑎𝑘) represents the reward associated with each slice ‘s’ for a given action 𝑎𝑘 . The reward for each slice is calculated based on whether the allocated resources meet the demands of that slice. Total rewards are computed as the geometric mean of the individual slice rewards.
4.1.2 Q-values Computation
The ultimate objective of the slice controller's Q-learning method is to identify the course of action that maximizes the anticipated long-term reward for per slice. Q-learning connects with the network model during a discrete time period at a set time and calculates the reward for the selected action to accomplish this aim. The slice controller maintains experience records for actions 𝑎𝑘 in accordance with the reward, and the action-value function (also called Q-value) is kept in 𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘). For each time step, the values of 𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘) are updated according to the learning method, where it is single-state and has a null discount rate:
𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘) ← (1 − 𝛼)𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘) + 𝛼 ⋅ 𝑅TOT,DL(𝑎𝑘) (12)
where 𝑅TOT,DL(𝑎𝑘) is the total reward for performing an action 𝑎𝑘 for V2X and eMBB slices, and the learning rate is denoted as α, where α∈ (0,1). 𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘) is initialized to an arbitrary value at initialization when action 𝑎𝑘 has never been used previously.
4.1.3 Selection Criterion based on SoftMax Policy
The SoftMax strategy is used to select which actions to take depending on 𝑄DL(𝑎𝑘), where the selection of different actions is probabilistic. In detail, the probability 𝑃(𝑎𝑘) corresponding to the selection of action 𝑎𝑘, is described as:
\(\begin{aligned}P\left(a_{k}\right)=\frac{e^{Q_{D L}\left(a_{k}\right) / \tau}}{\sum_{j=1}^{A_{x}} e^{Q_{D L}\left(a_{j}\right) / \tau}}\end{aligned}\) (13)
where 𝜏 is a positive integer defined as temperature parameter, which affects the selection probability [28]. The higher the value of 𝜏 is, the closer the probability of actions will be to the same. On the contrary, a low value of 𝜏 will result in a large variance in selection probability for actions with various Q values. Exploration and exploitation may be successfully balanced using the SoftMax strategy, that is, selecting actions having a high possibility of yielding a high reward, but also keep exploring new actions with a certain probability, it can lead to better decisions in the future [29].
4.1.4. Simulation Result (without heuristic solution)
In the downlink simulation, when running the code, in the MATLAB command window:
episode = 0998: a_k = 007, Gamma1=40.07, Gamma2=91.52, R_DL(V2X) =1.77, R_DL (eMBB)=2.02, R_TOT_DL=1.89, beta_V2X=0.35, beta_eMBB=0.65
episode = 0999: a_k = 003, Gamma1=48.24, Gamma2=92.23, R_DL(V2X) =0.20, R_DL (eMBB)=1.72, R_TOT_DL=0.59, beta_V2X=0.15, beta_eMBB=0.85
episode = 1000: a_k = 011, Gamma1=51.66, Gamma2=81.53, R_DL(V2X) =1.60, R_DL (eMBB)=2.47, R_TOT_DL=1.99, beta_V2X=0.55, beta_eMBB=0.45
where 𝑎𝑘 is the action for slicing ratio. “Gamma” is the average number of required RBs for each slice. “R_DL” is the reward computation for each slice. “R_TOT_DL” is the total reward computation for the downlink. “beta” is the corresponding slicing ratio for each slice. Two slicing services are included in the implementation, i.e., the sum of the two slicing ratios is equal to 1. As can be seen from the above, the network resources are successfully allocated to the respective slices.
The following Fig. 3, is the Q-value based on different episodes for V2X and eMBB UEs:
Fig. 3. Actions VS. Q-values based on different episodes.
In the simulation, the network load is light. In the network, the PRB demand from the vehicular UEs is generally lower than that from the eMBB UEs, as shown in the log from the Matlab console, so a better slicing strategy should allocate more PRBs to the eMBB service.
After 1000 episodes, the final Q-value-table indicates that the action#5/#6/#7 are more preferable than the other actions. Action#5/#6/#7 correspondsto the PRB ratio for V2X service being 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, and the PRB ratio for eMBB being 0.7, 0.65, 0.6, so more PRBs are allocated to the eMBB service.
4.2 Optimization Solution
In this section, we utilize a heuristic approach to adjust the intermediary slicing ratio, 𝛽𝑠,DL selected through RL based on the resource requirements [30].
The idea is based on the actual RB requirements and the slicing ratio 𝛽𝑠,DL. The scheme estimates whether one of the slices has more resources in the downlink than actually needed, i.e., 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎DL_sel) < 1, meanwhile another slice s' has resources that less than required, i.e., 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎DL_sel) > 1. In this case, another slice s' can take use of the extra capacity that slice s leaves behind ∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L. In detail, the extra capacity is expressed as:
∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L = (1 − 𝜓𝑠,DL(𝑎DL_sel)) ⋅ 𝜔 (14)
where 𝜔 is a configuration parameter in the range [0,1], in order to leave some margin for the variation of RBs demand. For slice s, the slicing ratio will reduce by ∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L, i.e., 𝑎𝑠,DL = 𝛽𝑠,DL − ∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L, Conversely, for another slice s', the slicing ratio will increase by ∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L, i.e., 𝑎𝑠,DL = 𝛽𝑠',DL + ∆𝐶𝑠,𝐷L.
Following the optimization illustrated in Fig. 4, a significant performance improvement can be observed in the values of V2X and eMBB compared to the scenario without the heuristic method. In both the V2X and eMBB cases, the Q-values now exceed 2 for resource allocation based on demand, representing an increase from the sub-2 levels observed when using the heuristic method.
Fig. 4. Actions VS. optimization V2X and eMBB values.
5. Performance Evaluation
In this Section, we employ MATLAB for system-level simulations to examine the efficacy of our proposed RAN slicing strategy.
5.1 Simulation Setup
The simulation model we utilized is founded on a single-cell hexagonal structure, equipped with a gNB. This cell configuration accommodates a channel encompassing 200 RBs, 12 subcarriers, and a subcarrierspacing of Δf = 30 kHz, mirroring one of the 5G NR numerologies we reference.
Simulation model considers vehicle UEs that communicate through cellular mode (DL) using slice_ID = 1, and eMBB UEs that communicate in cellular mode (DL) using slice_ID = 2. Vehicular UEs are distributed along two 3-lane highways, eMBB UEs are spread randomly in the cell. In Table 1~4, All relevant parameters are summarized. Since we discuss the problem of slicing based on two service types, the action of RL is defined as: action 𝑎𝑘 corresponds to 𝛽1,DL(𝑘) = (0.05𝑘) , 𝛽2,DL(𝑘) = (1 − 0.05𝑘) , where 𝑘 = 1,2, … ,20, 𝑥 = {DL} . The evaluation results presented are intended to evaluate and demonstrate the performance for the RAN slicing strategy in the aspects of PRB utilization, network outage probability.
Table 1. General simulation parameters
Table 2. Simulation parameters for V2X
Table 3. Simulation parameters for eMBB
Table 4. Simulation parameters for RAN slicing algorithm
5.2 Network Deployment
Fig. 5, below shows the network deployment for the downlink, from where we start the simulation, initialize the simulation and the WINNER II channel model, the slicing ratios are initialized as well. In the network model, for every drop, the simulation process includes:
Fig. 5. Network Deployment for Downlink.
[1] Prepare the simulation for the drop.
[2] Run the WINNER II channel model for the drop.
[3] Collect the network characteristics.
[4] Calculate the PRB utilization.
In this Fig. 5, we can set the locations of the gNB, the highways, and every UE. The channel model is generated according to the WINNER II B1 (Urban micro-cell) and the SINR of each link is estimated from the channel gain.
The specific simulation parameters are as follows:
5.3 Estimation of network characteristics
During each cycle of the simulation, an exchange of updated slicing ratios and network characteristics occurs between the online network model and the slicing controller. The slicing controller consists of the offline network model, the reinforcement learning, and the low-complexity heuristic algorithm. In every round of simulation, the online network run for a number of simulations drops.
During the above simulation, the network characteristics are collected in every simulation drop, these network characteristics consist of:
[1] The number of V2X UEs, eMBB UEs.
[2] The SINR (in dB) values to all the UEs in all of the downlinks.
[3] The frequency at which packets arrive for the V2X service, and the rate at which sessions are generated for the eMBB service.
For the processing of network characteristics data, there are two schemes: whether to estimate the network characteristics.
For the estimation scheme, in the slicing controller, when it gets the network characteristics, it will estimate the parameters for the probability distributions for each category of the characteristics. In the simulation, it will use the “fitdist” function provided by Matlab to fit the samples to some distributions.
[1] For SINR values, it will use the “Normal” distribution for fitting.
[2] For the packet arrival rates in V2X service, it will use “Poisson” distribution for fitting.
[3] For the session arrival rates in eMBB service, it will use “Poisson” distribution for fitting. The above process of estimating network characteristics denotes as “ignore_online_nw_characteristics=False”, it will use the fitted network characteristics to the following reinforcement learning.
Such a fitting behavior can be disabled by a flag. If disabled, i.e., no estimation of network characteristics, some predefined probability distributions with fixed parameters will be used instead. This scheme denotes as “ignore_online_nw_characteristics=True”, it will use the default network characteristics to the following reinforcement learning.
It should be noted that all the above simulations are based on using the default network characteristics scheme, i.e., “ignore_online_nw_characteristics=True”. In the following simulation, we will compare the performance based on the two schemes.
5.4 Performance in terms of PRB Utilization
In Fig. 6, blue lines are the ones when ignore_online_nw_characteristics=False (i.e., using the network characteristics from the online network model for parameters estimation), while the red lines are the ones when ignore_online_nw_characteristics=True (i.e., no estimation of network characteristics).
Fig. 6. Simulation round VS. PRB utilization.
It shows that:
(1) When using the network characteristics from the online network model for parameters estimations before applying the RL algorithms, the PRB utilization is better than when ignoring the network characteristics. It demonstrates the benefits in using the fitted network characteristics for reinforcement learning.
(2) The PRB utilization will increase when more rounds of simulation are performed, because more network characteristics are available for better parameter estimation, and more samples for better RL learning algorithm.
(3) There are some fluctuations in the curves, which indicates that the simulation time is not enough. In this simulation, sim_nr_drops_per_round=20 is too short. In order to make the following result smoother, sim_nr_drops_per_round should be larger than, e.g., 100, however, it will take longer simulation time.
Fig. 7 shows the evolution of the DL PRB utilization when the session generation rate of the eMBB service is increasing from 300 sessions/second to 600 sessions/second.
Fig. 7. eMBB session generation rate VS. PRB utilization.
It shows that:
(1) Using the online network characteristics for parameters estimation (i.e., ignore_online_nw_characteristics=False) will noticeably improve the PRB utilizations, by almost 5% - 10%.
(2) There are some fluctuations in the curves, which indicate that the simulation time is not enough.
In the above Fig. 8, it shows the evolution of the PRB utilization rate (in a range between 0 and 1) along with the simulation round. The increase of the PRB utilization rate is due to the increase of the eMBB session number generated in an average session generation rate 𝜆𝑒 = 300 sessions/second according to a Poisson distribution. The blue and the orange dotted lines are the linear fitting results, which clearly demonstrate the gain from utilizing the online network characteristics for traffic pattern and SINR measurement estimations.
Fig. 8. Simulation round VS. PRB utilization rate.
5.5 Performance in terms of Outage Probability
Outage events consider when the demanded PRBs exceed the reserved PRBs for each of the services (V2X and eMBB). We can define outage events 𝑂_𝑉2𝑋 and 𝑂_eMBB for each service as follows:
𝑂𝑉2𝑋 = 1 if slice for V2X > slice for V2X is max else 0
OeMBB = 1 if slice for eMBB > slice for eMBB is max else 0 (15)
Then overall network outage ONW is then given by:
ONW = 1 if(O𝑉2𝑋 + OeMBB) ≥ 1else 0 (16)
Where ONW calculates the overall network outage. If there is an outage event in either the V2X or the eMBB service (or both) is greater than or equal to 1, then ONW is set to 1, indicating a network outage. If there is no outage event in both services, then ONW is set to 0, indicating no network outage.
The above Fig. 9 compares the outage rates whether using the online network characteristics for parameters estimations. It also demonstrates the advantage of using the online network characteristics (the blue line), which has less probability of outage on average.
Fig. 9. Simulation round VS. Outage rate.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we have studied the problem of allocating radio resources among multiple RAN slices in the case of V2X and eMBB services that involve downlink communications. A RAN slicing strategy has been applied that is based on reinforcement learning and a low-complexity heuristic algorithm to determine the resource allocation for the eMBB and V2X slices. In particular, we evaluated the performance of real-time RL-based 5G network slicing design and traffic model distribution with and without the scheme. Based on eMBB 300 session generation rate without the scheme, the cell performance traffic model shows PRB utilization rate of 55%, but 72% with the scheme. When we increase the session generation rate from 300 to 600 for PRB utilization, it increases from 71% to 80% with the slicing strategy model. The simulation results also show that it has a less average outage probability with the scheme. The above comparisons in terms of the network performance demonstrate the advantage of using real-time RL-based 5G network slicing design and traffic model distribution.
This research is supported by the INHA UNIVERSITY Research Grant. We thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions on the initial version of this paper.
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