The Effect of Job Crafting on Career Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction - Mediating Effect of Person-Job fit -

잡 크래프팅(Job Crafting)이 경력만족 및 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 개인-직무 적합성의 매개효과 -

  • Hyeryeon An (college of Business, Pusan National University) ;
  • Sunhwa Kwag (college of Business Pusan National University )
  • Received : 2023.07.27
  • Accepted : 2023.08.29
  • Published : 2023.08.31


This study analyzes the effect of job crafting behavior on career satisfaction and job satisfaction that allows active participants to perform their jobs in a work environment where autonomy and delegation are emphasized, and how the degree of person-job fit plays a role in the relationship between the three variables. The results of an empirical analysis of 360 employees of domestic companies are as follows. First, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on career satisfaction and job satisfaction, respectively, confirming the importance of job crafting in a situation where the work environment changes rapidly. Second, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on desire-supply fit and ability-demand fit, respectively, which are components of person-job fit. This means that person-job fit can be improved through task, cognitive, and relationship crafting. Third, it was found that desire-supply fit and ability-demand fit had a positive (+) effect on career satisfaction and job satisfaction. This means that the higher the person-job fit the more satisfied the career and job. Finally, desire-supply fit has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between job crafting, career satisfaction, and job satisfaction and ability-demand fit has a partial mediating effect in the relationship between job crafting, job satisfaction. In summarizing the above research results, this study suggested in a changing organizational environment that it is necessary to provide individual active work performance (job crafting) opportunities for career satisfaction and job satisfaction, and that it is important to create an organization's support environment to enhance person-job fit.



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