Effectiveness of seismic isolation in a reinforced concrete structure with soft story

  • Hakan Ozturk (Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Sakarya University) ;
  • Esengul Cavdar (Department of Civil Engineering, ESQUAKE, Seismic Isolator Test Laboratory, Eskisehir Technical University) ;
  • Gokhan Ozdemir (Department of Civil Engineering, ESQUAKE, Seismic Isolator Test Laboratory, Eskisehir Technical University)
  • 투고 : 2023.03.14
  • 심사 : 2023.07.23
  • 발행 : 2023.09.10


This study focused on the effectiveness of seismic isolation technique in case of a reinforced concrete structure with soft story defined as the stiffness irregularity between adjacent stories. In this context, a seismically isolated 3-story reinforced concrete structure was analyzed by gradually increasing the first story height (3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 m). The seismic isolation system of the structure is assumed to be composed of lead rubber bearings (LRB). In the analyses, isolators were modeled by both deteriorating (temperature-dependent analyses) and non-deteriorating (bounding analyses) hysteretic representations. The deterioration in strength of isolator is due to temperature rise in the lead core during cyclic motion. The ground motion pairs used in bi-directional nonlinear dynamic analyses were selected and scaled according to codified procedures. In the analyses, different isolation periods (Tiso) and characteristic strength to weight ratios (Q/W) were considered in order to determine the sensitivity of structural response to the isolator properties. Response quantities under consideration are floor accelerations, and interstory drift ratios. Analyses results are compared for both hysteretic representations of LRBs. Results are also used to assess the significance of the ratio between the horizontal stiffnesses of soft story and isolation system. It is revealed that seismic isolation is a viable method to reduce structural damage in structures with soft story.



This study was funded by the project number 118C510 within the scope of the 2218 program of the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK).


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