Performance enhancement of perovskite solar cells using Ag nanoparticles via aerosol technology

에어로졸 기술로 제작된 은 나노 입자를 활용한 페로브스카이트 태양전지 성능 향상 연구

  • Sua Park (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University) ;
  • Inyong Park (Department of Sustainable Environment Research, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Dae Hoon Park (Department of Sustainable Environment Research, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Bangwoo Han (Department of Sustainable Environment Research, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Gunhee Lee (Department of Sustainable Environment Research, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) ;
  • Min-cheol Kim (School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 박수아 (부산대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 박인용 (한국기계연구원 지속가능환경연구실) ;
  • 박대훈 (한국기계연구원 지속가능환경연구실) ;
  • 한방우 (한국기계연구원 지속가능환경연구실) ;
  • 이건희 (한국기계연구원 지속가능환경연구실) ;
  • 김민철 (부산대학교 기계공학부)
  • Received : 2023.05.25
  • Accepted : 2023.06.20
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Solar cells, converting abundant solar energy into electrical energy, are considered crucial for sustainable energy generation. Recent advancements focus on nanoparticle-enhanced solar cells to overcome limitations and improve efficiency. These cells offer two potential efficiency enhancements. Firstly, plasmonic effects through nanoparticles can improve optical performance by enhancing absorption. Secondly, nanoparticles can improve charge transport and reduce recombination losses, enhancing electrical performance. However, factors like nanoparticle size, placement, and solar cell structure influence the overall performance. This study evaluates the performance of silver nanoparticles incorporated in a p-i-n structure of perovskite solar cells, generated via aerosol state by the evaporation and condensation system. The silver nanoparticles deposited between the hole transport layer and transparent electrode form nanoparticle embedded transport layer (NETL). The evaluation of the optoelectronic properties of perovskite devices using NETL demonstrates their potential for improving efficiency. The findings highlight the possibility of nanoparticle incorporation in perovskite solar cells, providing insights for sustainable energy generation.



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