Elementary Preservice Teachers' Noticing and Evaluation of Digital Mathematical Resources

  • Sheunghyun Yeo (Department of Mathematics Education, Daegu National University of Education)
  • Received : 2023.06.07
  • Accepted : 2023.06.21
  • Published : 2023.06.30


With the rapid advancement of educational technology, recent studies have connected teachers' professional noticing with the use of digital resources in mathematical instructions. In this study, I examined elementary mathematics preservice teachers' attending and interpreting a mathematical software, ST Math, in the exploring and implementing phases. The findings indicate that preservice teachers paid attention to visual representations and manipulation prior to interactions with children and further took into consideration on task structures and situated context after interactions. They interpreted the events based on connected mathematical knowledge of prior interactions and further reflected on the progression of problem-solving strategies and sequence of tasks. In addition, four distinctive profiles of transitioning of evaluation on ST Math activities were identified with illustrations. Implications for noticing and teacher education were discussed.



This study was extended from a conference proceeding previously presented and I would like to thank Dr. Corey Webel for his guidance, support, and insightful comments on this study.


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