해상풍력 발전사업의 합리적 절차를 위한 제도개선 방안 : 인허가를 중심으로

System Improvement Measures for Rational Procedures of Offshore Wind Power Generation Projects : Focusing on Permits

  • 강석규 (제주대학교 경영학과 (어촌.수산 경영연구센터)) ;
  • 문정갑 (한국해양수산연구원) ;
  • 조문관 (한국해양수산연구원)
  • 투고 : 2023.06.21
  • 심사 : 2023.06.29
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


This study is to propose ways to improve the system for rational procedures for offshore wind power generation projects. The results of this study are summarized as follows. In order to quickly distribute and develop offshore wind power projects, the permitting period should be shortened through special laws, the government actively intervenes to support the formation and operation of privat-public councils to ensure residents' acceptance. In this way, it can be competitive in the future energy market. Above all, a special law (proposal) related to offshore wind power currently pending in the National Assembly should be passed as soon as possible. Finally, the government and local governments that manage public waters should provide active administrative support based on system improvement measures in consideration of these permits, and the project's main body should minimize damage to the marine environment and ecosystem. Through these subject-specific roles, offshore wind power generation will be able to reduce carbon emissions and help establish a sustainable energy production system.



이 논문은 2023학년도 제주대학교 교원성과지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.


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