국제상사중재에서 실체의 주관적 준거법

Choice of Law Governing Substance of Dispute in International Commercial Arbitration

  • 허해관 (숭실대학교 글로벌통상학과 )
  • 투고 : 2023.05.03
  • 심사 : 2023.05.31
  • 발행 : 2023.06.01


In international commercial arbitrations that arise from an international commercial contract, arbitral tribunals ruling on the merits of the arbitration apply the law governing the contract. The parties to contract are free to designate the law under the principle of parties autonomy. This paper examines this principle under the Korean Arbitration Act, and makes some legislative suggestions. For this purpose, this paper first discusses what is the scope of matters covered by the law governing the contract, what are the rules of conflict-of-laws for determining the law governing the contract, and what happens when the arbitral tribunal incorrectly applies the law governing the contract? Then, this paper further goes to examine issues such as the form of choice-of-law agreement, the explicit or implicit choice of law, the parties' ability to choose the rules of law including lex mercatoria, the change of choice-of-law agreement, the independence of choice-of-law clause.



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