A Case Study of Hypothyroidism Patient Using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT)

세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 갑상선기능저하증 환자 사례 연구

  • Received : 2023.06.28
  • Accepted : 2023.06.28
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Objective: Report on the improvement of hypothyroidism using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT). Methods: A 35-year-old Korean female experiencing rapid weight gain, fatigue, and loss of motivation. Results: After applying nutritional therapy, the levels of TSH and T3 hormones returned to normal, and symptoms of abdominal pain and jaundice were alleviated. Conclusion: Nutritional therapy can be beneficial for hypothyroidism patients by restoring thyroid hormone levels and alleviating symptoms.



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