외국인 유학생의 보육실습 경험 분석: 어려움과 가치를 중심으로

Analyzing the Child Care Practicum Experience of Foreign Students: Exploring Challenges and Benefits

  • 강정원 (한국성서대학교 영유아보육학과) ;
  • 국소영 (한국성서대학교 영유아보육학과) ;
  • 박명금 (한양여자대학교 유아교육과)
  • 투고 : 2023.04.28
  • 심사 : 2023.06.12
  • 발행 : 2023.06.30


Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the experiences of foreign students in childcare practicum, with a specific focus on identifying the difficulties they encountered and the values they derived from their practicum experiences. The aim was to gain insights that can contribute to improving practicum support for these students. Methods: A total of 6 foreign students were selected as participants for this study using snowball sampling. The data collection period spanned from May 2021 to March 2023, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitatively analyzed. Results: Foreign students faced challenges in securing practicum placements prior to the start of their program. Communication difficulties necessitated the use of interpreters to interact with children. Additionally, documenting information in a language other than their mother tongue posed a challenge. Consequently, there was a need for tailored training support to address the specific needs of foreign students in childcare practicum. Despite these challenges, the students reported rewarding and valuable experiences during their practicum. These experiences included discovering the teaching identity in Korea, learning about desirable practices in the field, recognizing and addressing personal shortcomings, and developing a sense of vocation for the advancement of infant education in their home countries. Conclusion/Implications: If we actively listen to and provide appropriate support for the specific needs of foreign students in their childcare practicum, they have the potential to become excellent childcare teachers who can foster a harmonious and inclusive environment within our multicultural society.



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