Secondary Literature Analysis: The Marketing Practice to Attract Potential Customers into Leisure and Sports Industry

  • Eungoo KANG (Becamex School of Business, Eastern International University) ;
  • Ji-Hye KIM (Department of Leisure and Sports Studies, Sahmyook University)
  • Received : 2023.04.14
  • Accepted : 2023.06.13
  • Published : 2023.06.30


Purpose: The marketing practice for the leisure and sports industry is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the audience, their needs and motivations. Thus, this niche market is focused on specific products, services, or experiences. The present research explores and suggests meaningful strategies based on the literature textual dataset to provide how to attract consumers in this sector. Research design, data and methodology: We have conducted the 'Secondary Literature Analysis', reviewing and summarizing numerous findings in the relevant prior studies. As a result, we could obtain a total of 15 significant textual resources which are from only peer-reviewed journal article. All resources had a high quality of the instrument to prove their results. Results: The findings of this research pointed out that marketers in leisure sports sector need to communicate via following methods: (1) Understanding the Customers' Needs and Wants, (2) Social Media, (3) Advertising, (4) Promoting Brand Affinity, (5) Offering Discounts, and (6) Providing Value-Added Services. Conclusions: The present research concludes that the marketing practice in the leisure and sports industry should be performed using various channels. In addition, marketing practitioners are supposed to check if tailored marketing messages are compatible with products, services, and events that relate to their target audience's interests.


1. Introduction

The leisure sports industry has been around for a long time, but there is still room for growth (Liang et al., 2022). Leisure sports grew into a successful industry because they provided consumers with an opportunity to stay active while enjoying themselves at the same time. It was also cost-effective compared to other forms of entertainment, such as watching television or going out for dinner with friends or family members. However, with time this industry has evolved into something else entirely because now people are staying fit through different forms of exercise, such as running marathons or climbing mountains, instead of playing sports only once every few weeks or months as they did before (Hallmann & Zehrer, 2023).

The marketing practice of attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the audience, their needs and motivations (Masteralexis & Hums, 2023). Additionally, the marketing practice to attract potential customers into the leisure sports industry is by: (1) Forming a niche market. (2) Creating a product that the niche market can use. (3) Changing the perception of customers. (4) Using an online platform to advertise their product.

This niche market will be focused on specific products, services, or experiences (Balderas-Cejudo et al., 2019). These products and services can range from gear and equipment to clothing and accessories. Creating this niche market allows companies to find their target audience and create a specific product. This will allow companies to cater more specifically to their customers’ needs which results in higher conversion rates than if they were trying to sell something broader, like a product that appeals to all demographics. Generally, the marketing practice aims to gain a piece of the pie. It has been observed that many people are interested in joining the leisure sports industry but need help to afford it (Tamminen et al., 2021). This marketing practice aims to help them gain access to leisure sports so they can enjoy their time without worrying about money. To attract more customers into the leisure sports industry, one needs to provide them with information that will help them make an informed decision before joining the team. This means that they will be able to know what they are getting into and how much it will cost them before they sign up as members. Moreover, it has to provide a product that is appealing to the customer. The product must be marketable and attractive enough for the customer to want it, and it must also be something that can be bought affordably (Seong, 2021).

The first step in attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry is to have a product that is appealing enough for them. This means ensuring that the product has attractive features to potential customers, such as high-quality materials or being able to be used by multiple people at once (Lee, 2021). It also means having features that will appeal to consumers' senses, such as bright colors or loud sounds when interacting with it. The next step in attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry is offering them an affordable price point on those products. However, this allows businesses in this industry to sell high-quality products at a reasonable price point without worrying about losing money on every sale they make. Finally, businesses in this industry need to advertise their products effectively so that people know about them and want them as much as possible.

2. Literature Review

Choi et al. (2018) discuss how service quality and perceived value impact behavioral intentions in virtual golf. However, This can be useful when attracting new customers into a league or tournament because it shows how good their experience will determine whether or not they will continue playing. A similar concept can be applied to marketing different products and services. For example, if marketers are selling a product that is considered high-quality but expensive, they may want to focus more on their unique selling points rather than just saying that it is expensive. In this case, it may be better for one's business to focus more on what makes their product unique and less time talking about price. Choi et al. (2018) surveyed consumers who played the golf game and found that they were more likely to purchase a membership when they had experienced good customer service and perceived value. The authors also found that those who had experienced bad service or low perceived value were less likely to purchase a membership. The results from this study are important because they show that companies can improve their services by implementing changes such as improving customer satisfaction and increasing perceived value. The author suggests that companies should consider these changes as part of their marketing strategy because it will help them attract potential customers to their business.

Choi et al. (2019) highlight the difference between leisure constraints, which are external factors that restrict the ability of consumers to participate in leisure activities, and social constraints, which are internal factors that can limit the ability of consumers to participate in leisure activities. For example, a consumer with a high-paying job and limited time for hobbies would have a higher level of leisure constraints than a consumer with a low-paying job and plenty of time for hobbies. The former consumer may be unable to attend golf courses as much as they would like because they are working full-time or have other home obligations. On the other hand, if someone has no job at all and plenty of time for hobbies, then they may be able to attend more golf courses than someone with a different type of constraint. This article also highlights differences in how people experience these constraints depending on their gender. Men experience social constraints more strongly than women in leisure activities like golfing. In contrast, women tend to experience leisure constraints more strongly than men when it comes to work-related activities like working long hours at an office.

The article also discusses attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry (Choi et al., 2019). However, it is important to note that the article only focuses on attracting new customers rather than retaining them. Thus, companies need to understand their existing customers' needs and desires to keep them as long-term clients. In order to do so, companies should first determine what type of customers they have (retained or new), what kind of services they want from them (for example, purchasing equipment or services), and why these services matter to the company (because it provides additional revenue). Having a clear understanding of these factors will help companies identify what type of marketing efforts are more likely to attract new clients and retain those who have already been loyal to them.

The article by Zhang et al. (2018) discusses how the sports industry in growing economies faces a number of challenges, including increasing competition from other sports, lack of interest among young people, and limited funding. Zhang et al. (2018) also mention that these countries' sports industry faces these issues because of their fast-growing economy and high disposable income. However, there is a need for more awareness of how to market their products and services effectively to compete with other sports worldwide. The authors also describe that many issues arise because of the growing economy, such as a larger population with more disposable income and more people who want to participate in leisure sports.

In addition, these business owners must compete with other companies for customers' attention and spend money on advertising campaigns. However, there are also opportunities for businesses in the leisure and sports industries. Zhang et al. (2018) explain that new technologies have made it easier for businesses to engage with their potential customers through social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. However, This allows them to reach out directly to customers without relying on traditional marketing strategies such as telephone calls or emails; instead, they can post messages directly onto platforms like Facebook or Instagram using hashtags related to their products or services.

The article discusses how consumers' impact helps people decide whether or not they will buy a product (Behnam et al., 2020). The authors found that certain consumers have a positive relationship with non-profit sports clubs and that these consumers better understand the benefits of being involved with these clubs. Behnam et al. (2020) also found that consumers who were more likely to join these clubs had more knowledge about them, which is an important aspect of marketing. In the leisure sports industry, this article is related to marketing practice because it sheds light on how consumers can be attracted to a product or service by providing them with information about that product or service. Firstly, the authors point out that "the provision of a good quality service is an important factor in customer loyalty and repeat purchase" (Behnam et al., 2020).

However, this means that if consumers have positive experiences with a product or service provider, they are more likely to continue purchasing from them. Secondly, Behnam et al. (2020) state that "psychological involvement is generally associated with increased satisfaction and commitment," which can be used as a motivator to increase customer loyalty. This statement means that customers are more likely to continue buying if they feel emotionally attached to a brand or product. The article also discusses how psychological involvement can lead to loyalty from customers who feel that their contributions are appreciated. By creating an environment where members feel empowered and invested in the success of their organization, these sports clubs have been able to attract more loyal customers than traditional businesses with similar offerings.

Chiu et al. (2019) discuss the internal marketing dimensions in social economy organizations. They focus on how co-operatives can improve their marketing practice to attract potential customers into their leisure sports industry. The article's main conclusion is that, although there are many benefits to be gained from social economy businesses, they need to be more competitive in terms of marketing to avoid losing out on the competition, which multinational organizations often dominate. This article discussed the marketing practice used by tourism agencies in order to attract potential customers into their leisure sports industry.

The article is related to marketing because it identifies that many different marketing practices are used and how they are used to attract a specific audience. Chiu et al. (2019) also discuss the importance of effective marketing, which will help them attract more customers and make more money. The authors state that direct mailings are among the most effective marketing practices. However, This is done because it allows people to contact the company directly and ask questions or make requests without going through a middleman like an agent or salesperson. However, This can help companies build relationships with their customers, leading them down a path where they will want more of what they have already bought from them. Another effective marketing practice was advertising on television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. This type of advertising allows people who may not be familiar with the brand name but would still like something related to product or service to see it while watching television or listening.

Pradeep et al. (2020) discuss the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in fitness firms. Service quality is one of the factors that affect customer satisfaction. In their study, they found that the service quality of a fitness club affects customer satisfaction significantly. The results show a relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, which proves that firms should pay attention to improving their services. This article shows that service quality can be a key factor for customers deciding whether to purchase from a company.

Moreover, Pradeep et al. (2020) state that customers want a quality experience and are willing to pay for it. The article also discusses the importance of providing good customer service, which is important in attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry. The author points out that fitness companies need to focus on providing consistent, high-quality service to impact their target audience. This paper also contributes to our understanding of marketing by showing that it is important for fitness companies to maintain high standards of service if they want their customers' loyalty.

Destination marketing organizations (DMOs) have been a vital part of the sports tourism industry for a long time. DMOs are a core component of many travel industry organizations, including airlines, tour operators, and hotels. DMOs help create and maintain relationships with customers who visit their destinations by building brand awareness, creating positive customer experiences, and providing information about their region. Pouder et al. (2018) offer insight into how DMOs pursue the sports tourism market by providing insight into the various strategies they may use to attract potential tourists to their destinations. Destination marketing organizations must know how to attract potential customers to their products. They must ensure adequate knowledge about what attracts potential customers to their product and how they can improve on it to attract more people. In addition, it is also important for destination marketing organizations to research how they can improve their performance when attracting potential customers to their products.

Pouder et al. (2018) discuss how destination marketing organizations should target potential customers using various techniques such as advertising, PR campaigns, social media posts, etc. Destination marketing organizations use these techniques because they want people from different parts of the world interested in visiting their destination for leisure activities such as golfing or skiing. Through these techniques, destination marketing organizations hope that more people will visit their destinations, resulting in more sales for them.

Non-profit sports clubs are businesses that provide leisure activities for their members, such as soccer or swimming. They may also be used for community service or for fundraising purposes. Non-profit organizations generally do not charge dues but instead rely on donations from their members or other funding sources (such as grants). Commercial sports providers offer sporting activities in exchange for compensation or other valuable consideration. Commercial organizations such as professional teams offer sporting services like those provided by non-profit organizations. However, they charge fees for those services instead of relying on donations or grants. Commercial organizations have more resources than non-profits to attract customers and compete with them in the marketplace. Rossi et al. (2020) show how different types of businesses can benefit from understanding the variables associated with their target audience's motivations and behaviors to better communicate with them and ultimately increase their sales volume.

Additionally, Rossi et al. (2020) discuss that non-profit organization that cannot afford expensive campaigns must find a way to attract potential customers through other means. For this purpose, they have to rely on their reputation and the quality of their services. To do this, they have to be aware of what makes people choose one particular brand or service over another. However, This is why they need to focus on their strengths and weaknesses to avoid losing customers due to poor marketing practices.

The research gap in this literature review is that there is little to no research on attracting potential customers into the leisure sports industry. This article will help fill that gap by providing insight into what can be done to attract potential customers to a particular industry and how that industry can be improved through marketing efforts. Moreover, the research gap in this literature review is the lack of studies that have compared the effects of social media marketing on leisure sports. While prior studies have shown that social media can help increase conversions and engagement, no studies have examined how social media marketing affects consumers' perceptions and attitudes toward leisure sports.

One way to fill this gap would be through a more holistic study that looked at how people's leisure activities affect their health, mental well-being, and other aspects of their lives. This study could also include interviews with customers about their experiences using leisure facilities and access to them. Another option would be conducting interviews with executives and employees within the industry. These individuals could offer insight into what they see as challenges facing businesses in this area.

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Figure 1: Research Gap

3. Literature Analysis

In the leisure sports industry, marketing practitioners can use several strategies to attract potential customers. Some of these strategies include:

3.1. Understanding the Customers’ Needs and Wants

To increase the profitability of the leisure sports industry, marketing practitioners must provide value to customers. The main value of marketing practitioners in the leisure sports industry is that they can help retailers provide useful products for their customers. The more useful a product is, the more likely it will be purchased by consumers. For marketers to provide this value, they must understand their customers' needs and wants better than any other business (Kurdi et al., 2022). Marketers need to know what products are popular in their markets to create innovative and new products that appeal to those consumers. However, This will help them attract potential customers into the retail space by offering them items they want or need. Understanding customer's needs is important because it helps identifying what company’s value most about organization and then work towards providing them with those things while improving overall profitability through increased market share or higher rates of repeat purchases.

For example, a marketing practitioner in the leisure sports industry can use this knowledge to offer various products relevant to their target customers (Gerke & Woratschek, 2020). In addition, they can also create a brand that speaks directly to their target market by using relevant and engaging language. In addition, marketing practitioners in leisure sports industries must ensure that their marketing efforts are consistent with company goals and strategies. They should also ensure that their marketing efforts have measurable results that contribute positively to the business's bottom line (value creation).

3.2. Social Media

Using social media to advertise their product or service, leisure sports marketers have proven effective in attracting potential customers and increasing their profitability. Using social media is extremely inexpensive and can increase the time it takes for a customer to decide whether or not they want to purchase a product. The more time customers spend researching and acquiring information about a product, the less likely they are to buy it (Palalic et al., 2020). By using social media to advertise their product or service, marketing practitioners in the leisure Sports industry can increase their profitability by attracting customers who otherwise might not have considered purchasing from them. Social media is important. After all, it can increase the profitability of businesses in this industry because it helps them develop brand awareness and increases their customer base. However, This can lead to more sales and, therefore, more profit. Social media is an excellent platform for brands to promote themselves through various activities such as posting pictures on Instagram, sharing videos on Facebook and Twitter, etc. The use of social media has become an essential tool for any organization looking to market its products or services across various platforms (Wibowo et al., 2020). According to Pouder et al. (2018), companies can use social media as a marketing strategy by using it as a tool for customer engagement. Using social media platforms, companies can interact with their customers through comments, likes, and shares on the company's posts.

3.3. Advertising

In the future, marketing personnel in the leisure sports industry will need to attract more potential customers by advertising. However, This can be done through print, television, and radio advertisements. The most effective way to increase these companies' profitability is by combining all three forms of advertising. Print ads have been proven to have a higher return on investment than other forms of advertising. Print ads are known for being very effective in increasing brand awareness among consumers and increasing sales figures for products or services offered by businesses (Maria et al., 2019). Television and radio ads are another form of advertising that can be used successfully by companies that want to increase their customer base. For example, when a company advertises that it is "the best" in its industry or sport of choice, it implies that its product offers something better than other companies.

However, businesses want to be seen as superior products and services over their competitors (Han & Kang, 2020). For example: if a business advertises that they have an award-winning team of athletes, they are implying that its athletes are better than other companies athletes. In order to attract potential customers into this particular industry and make them want to use the service or product offered by this company, it would be important for them to advertise how superior their product is compared to others. It would also be important for them to advertise how much money was spent hiring these athletes instead of hiring someone else who may not be as good as theirs.' This type of advertisement could potentially increase profitability by attracting more people into the industry who might not have considered doing so before.'

3.4. Promoting Brand Affinity through Product and Service Differentiation.

Creating a brand appealing to potential customers means creating an image and identity for the company that consumers will recognize (Alvarado-Karste et al., 2020). It should also be appealing enough that people want to associate with it and become loyal customers. In order to do this, marketing practitioners should consider what makes their business unique and different from others in the market so they can use that to their advantage. One-way marketers can do this is by offering a differentiating product or service from their competitors. For example, if a golf course wants to attract new customers, it would be beneficial to offer something that no other golf course has online video lessons on how to play better golf techniques (Kim, 2022). However, This will help differentiate its product from others in the market because it will appeal to those who want more than just the traditional experience of playing golf on the course itself without having any additional training or knowledge required prior to playing on-site. When considering how they can attract potential customers to their brand, marketers should consider what motivates consumers when choosing brands with similar offerings/products/services.

3.5. Offering Discounts or Other Incentives

Offering discounts or other incentives attract customers in the leisure sports industry (Klein et al., 2022). however, This is because people are more likely to try out a new product if they can get it at a reduced price. One way to do this is by offering a discount for people who sign up as club members. However, This will encourage them to join and hopefully stay with a company for a long time. Another way is if consumers have an annual membership fee, then offer an initial discount on that fee if they sign up immediately after purchasing a product/service.

Another way is if people have a loyalty program and give an additional discount on top of that loyalty program when they refer to someone else (this works best if it is a referral from within their club). people can also use this to get more information about the marketer’s target audience so marketer can better advertise to them later on down the line (Nastasoiu & Vandenbosch, 2019). Another way companies can attract more customers is by offering free shipping on orders over a certain amount. Customers who do not need to pay for shipping usually tend to buy more than those who do have to pay for shipping, so offering free shipping can be an effective method of attracting new customers and keeping old ones happy (Qu et al., 2019). There are many benefits for businesses that offer discounts for customers who purchase their products and services. The first benefit is that it allows business owners to reach a wider audience. Basically, This means that more people will be able to benefit from the company's product or service. Another benefit is that it increases sales which means more profit for the business owner.

3.6. Providing Value-Added Services that Address Consumer Needs and Wants beyond the Basic Product or Service itself.

The leisure sports industry is an industry that has been growing steadily in popularity. A major reason for this is its unique value-added services that address consumer needs and wants beyond the basic product or service (Sibalija et al., 2021; Park & Kang, 2022). For example, when people go out to watch a game, they expect food and drinks to be available at their seats, but they also want those items to be high quality and convenient to bring along with them. This is where the leisure sports industry comes in: offering these value-added services can attract potential customers to their booths and retain them as repeat customers through their marketing practices. Moreover, an outdoor retailer may provide a service of installing a rooftop solar panel system for its customers who have solar panels on their roofs (Behura et al., 2021). However, This would bring in more customers interested in saving money on their energy bills and help the retailer increase its sales by providing additional goods and services.

Table 1: Selected Resources

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4. Conclusions

The implication for practitioners in a company is that they must be able to identify the target audience and analyze their needs carefully. They need to know what the customers want and how they can meet those needs. Thus, this will help them create a marketing strategy to attract potential customers into the leisure sports industry. To attract potential customers into the leisure sports industry, the marketing practice is to create tailored marketing messages aligned with the target audience's needs (Shah et al., 2020). The first step in generating tailored marketing messages is researching the target audience. Thus, this can be done through a survey or by speaking to potential customers directly. Once the research has been completed, it is important to identify what motivates audiences to choose one product over another within the leisure sports industry. The motivations of each audience should be considered when creating a tailored marketing message. Since the implication for practitioners in a company is that they need to be aware of their target market and the needs of the audience they are trying to attract, They should also be aware of how they can attract customers into the industry.

For example, if a company wants to attract young people into the leisure sports industry, it could use social media to reach out to potential customers. They could also hold events at popular locations where young people hang out; Furthermore, practitioners need to remember that tailored marketing messages should be about products, services, and events that relate to their target audience's interests (Greenfield et al., 2019). In addition, the marketing practice of targeting potential customers should be done using various channels and methods. One of these is the use of social media platforms, especially Facebook. The practitioners can post about their products and services, create a page for the business, and engage with consumers on Facebook so that they can get more information about their products and services. This will help them reach out to potential customers interested in buying their products or services.

The main limitation of this study is that it is limited to the leisure sports industry and thus cannot be generalized to other industries (Nguyen et al., 2022). It is important to note that this study was conducted in the leisure sports industry because it is one of the few industries where research has been done on marketing strategies. However, this can lead to an over-reliance on the results of this study and its findings, which may cause us to miss out on other growth opportunities. Also, there was no control group in the study, so it is impossible to determine whether or not there may have been a difference in results between those surveyed and those interviewed. Another key limitation is it is not a randomized experiment (Weisburd, 2010), which means that one cannot say whether or not there would have been any difference between the results if authors had conducted another type of experiment with different participants or if they had used a different method to get our research subjects involved (e.g., through focus groups).

According to Choi et al. (2018), marketing attracts potential customers to the leisure sports industry. However, This is done using various strategies, such as advertising and promotion. These strategies attract more people into the industry to buy products or services offered by these companies. Moreover, the Leisure Sports Industry must attract new customers by promoting their products' benefits. The Leisure Sports Industry should also ensure their product appeals to potential customers. They will also need to advertise their products to appeal to the consumer. However, This can be done by using social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook as well as websites. These platforms allow companies to reach out to many people at once, which will help them advertise their products more effectively. With the growing popularity of leisure sports, marketers need to recognize that customers want more than just a product. They want a place to belong, a community to join, and an identity in an industry.


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