병원간호사의 교대근무 특성, 직장 내 폭력에 대한 주변인 유형과 누락된 간호행위와의 관계

Associations Between Shift Work Factors, Workplace Violence Bystander Types, and Missed Nursing care of Hospital Nurses

  • 투고 : 2022.12.10
  • 심사 : 2023.01.27
  • 발행 : 2023.04.30


Purpose: This study describes the associations between shift work factors, workplace violence bystander types, and the missed nursing care of hospital nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among hospital nurses using structured questionnaires related to shift work factors, workplace violence bystander types, and missed nursing care. The study participants were 199 nurses caring for adult patients and working in two tertiary hospitals. Results: The missed nursing care of the participants showed a statistically significant positive correlation with the facilitating bystander (r=.40, p<.001) and abdicating bystander (r=.28, p<.001) among the workplace violence bystander types. However, rest time during duty showed a significant negative correlation (r=-.16, p=.026). A regression model with control variables (department and clinical career), shift work factors, and workplace violence bystander types explained approximately 25% of missed nursing care of the study participants. Further, the facilitating bystander type influenced the missed nursing care of hospital nurses. Conclusion: As a result of examining the associations between shift work factors, workplace violence bystander types, and missed nursing care of hospital nurses, it was confirmed that missed nursing care was influenced by the facilitating bystander type. It is necessary to improve the nursing culture within the department so that nurses do not behave as negative bystanders to workplace violence.



2021학년도 인하대학교의 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.


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