참여 지분형 계약거래를 통한 양식산업 금융지원 연구

Research on Financing the Aquaculture Industry through Participatory Equity Contracting

  • 투고 : 2023.11.30
  • 심사 : 2024.01.01
  • 발행 : 2023.12.31


The development potential of the aquaculture industry is very high, but there is no financial support for investment except for the government, policy funds, fishery funds, etc. Therefore, we would like to propose a contract transaction in the aquaculture industry. This refers to a forward contract between a producer (fish farmer) and a buyer (mainly a processor or marketer) that stipulates the production and supply of fish products at a predetermined price, but it also refers to an "equity participation type" contract in which both producers and buyers can participate. In other words, it is a model in which part of the fish farm is produced in a way that meets the conditions of the buyer, and part is produced by the producer. This study aims to establish the basic contract trading process. It provides an academic approach to prevent adverse selection and moral hazard due to information asymmetry. It also provides an idea to converge the aquaculture industry with the financial industry using Pecking Order theory. By doing so, we have made it possible for venture capitalists to invest with confidence and provided a process for investors to resolve their concerns, paving the way for the aquaculture industry and the financial industry to develop together.



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