통합 구조 시스템의 유한요소망 형성의 자동화

Automated Finite Element Mesh Generation for Integrated Structural Systems

  • 윤종열 (홍익대학교 공과대학 건설환경공학과)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.14
  • 심사 : 2022.12.27
  • 발행 : 2023.03.01


The structural analysis module is an essential part of any integrated structural system. Diverse integrated systems today require, from the analysis module, efficient real-time responses to real-time input such as earthquake signals, extreme weather-related forces, and man-made accidents. An integrated system may also be for the entire life span of a civil structure conceived during the initial conception, developed throughout various design stages, effectively used in construction, and utilized during usage and maintenance. All these integrated systems' essential part is the structural analysis module, which must be automated and computationally efficient so that responses may be almost immediate. The finite element method is often used for structural analysis, and for automation, many effective finite element meshes must be automatically generated for a given analysis. A computationally efficient finite element mesh generation scheme based on the r-h method of mesh refinement using strain deviations from the values at the Gauss points as error estimates from the previous mesh is described. Shape factors are used to sort out overly distorted elements. A standard cantilever beam analyzed by four-node plane stress elements is used as an example to show the effectiveness of the automated algorithm for a time-domain dynamic analysis. Although recent developments in computer hardware and software have made many new applications in integrated structural systems possible, structural analysis still needs to be executed efficiently in real-time. The algorithm applies to diverse integrated systems, including nonlinear analyses and general dynamic problems in earthquake engineering.



This work was supported by 2020 Hongik University Research Fund.


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