Faculty Development for Medical Faculty: Importance and Strategies

의과대학 교수의 경력개발: 필요성과 실행전략

  • Do-Hwan Kim (Department of Medical Education, Hanyang University College of Medicine)
  • 김도환 (한양대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실)
  • Received : 2022.12.02
  • Accepted : 2023.02.03
  • Published : 2023.02.28


Unlike in the past, standards for the quantity and quality of work expected from medical school faculty are continuously rising, causing changes and stress in various areas. This highlights the need for career development among medical school faculty for professional, personal, organizational, and societal reasons. The role of medical school faculty has become more diverse, leading to an increase in the types and levels of competencies required. Medical schools must support their faculty members with diverse identities in fully utilizing their capabilities to achieve the institution's mission. Furthermore, societal changes suggest that career development for medical school faculty will become even more crucial in the future. To achieve this, both individuals and organizations must make efforts and play appropriate roles. For this purpose, medical schools use a combination of promotion and tenure evaluations and faculty development programs, while individual faculty members follow a career path within the medical school environment. Medical school faculty must be able to meet the evolving demands at each stage of their careers. It is important for professors, who engage in career development, to have a clear sense of their identity and values, and to prioritize their career goals. Medical schools should also ensure that the implicit messages they convey align with the organization's explicit values. Finally, proactively preparing for future changes in society and generations is essential from a long-term perspective.



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