A Study on the Characteristics of Informatization Education in the Dimension of Lifelong Learning

평생교육차원의 정보화 교육 특성에 관한 연구

  • Hyo-Jeong Jeong (Daegu Metropolitan City, Daegu Catholic University Graduate School of Education)
  • 정효정 (대구광역시, 대구가톨릭대학교 교육대학원)
  • Received : 2022.12.31
  • Accepted : 2023.01.23
  • Published : 2023.02.28


In the rapidly changing information age, as the need for Informatization education increases, it is necessary to further activate Informatization education for adults. First, in terms of lifelong learning, this researcher suggested learner analysis, class subject materialization, and lecture environment confirmation as three things to be considered first before the course is opened. And as a matter to be continuously considered in terms of lifelong learning, this researcher considered that the connection with the next quarter class and the continuity of learning opportunities should be considered. This study attempted to reveal the differentiated characteristics of informatization education in terms of lifelong education by presenting and analyzing three actual class cases taught by this researcher at lifelong education institutions. Its characteristics included customized education in the information age, continuous upgrades of equipment, instructor education in response to the information age, and expansion of employment opportunities. Based on the case of information education classes, this study, which analyzed the differentiated characteristics of information education at the lifelong education level, can help improve the quality of instructors and self-development of learners in the actual educational environment. For this, continuous follow-up research will also be needed.



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