Architectural Characteristic of SooMaJaiJeon in DongHwaSa

동화사 수마제전의 건축적 특징

  • Kyung-Soo Lee (Department of Architecture, Daegu Haany University)
  • 이경수 (대구한의대학교 대학원 건축.소방방재환경학과)
  • Received : 2022.12.15
  • Accepted : 2023.01.31
  • Published : 2023.02.28


For this purpose, the research is to study the architectural characteristic of SooMaJaiJeon which is one of the DongHwaSa in the traditional wooden architecture by dividing it into three section-bracket, roof structure and frame structure. This study is largely divided into four stage-section do subject, research and actual measurement and conclusion. The whole process was consistently executed through detailed steps. The com position of this study is as follows. The 1st chapter-the purpose, background, method, object and range of the research. The 2nd chapter-the history of SooMajaiJeon. the 3rd chapter-the structure of Dapo-style bracket has generally considered, the frame structure of Dapo-style, vertical and horizontal member and podium, the characteristic of bracket with member and the structure, design of bracket, roof structure. In the 4th chapter, the conclusion of this study has been summarized, Dapo-style is the building that has deep symbolism and structural characteristic of traditional wooden architecture. The frame structure has a dominant regional characteristic and a typical part of typological classification in SooMaJaiJeon.



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