Research Trends of Young Children's Parent Education Programs Children in South Korea from 2001 to 2020

영유아 부모교육 프로그램 연구의 2001-2020년간의 국내 연구 동향

  • 한길선 (총신대학교 유아교육학과) ;
  • 강은주 (총신대학교 유아교육과)
  • Received : 2022.12.30
  • Accepted : 2023.02.06
  • Published : 2023.02.28


Objective: The purpose of the current research is to collect basic data to diagnose the current status and to foresee the future research trends of young children's parent education programs published in South Korea from 2001 to 2020. Methods: Data collection was made out of RISS of Korea. Excel 2016 was used to categorize 210 finally filtered and collected data which included academic journal articles, MA/PhD dissertations, and funded research reports according to analysis criteria by publication year/5-year-term, research theme, research method, and researchers' academic area. Results: Annual/5-year-term analysis shows increasing trends of parent education programs for young children. Quantitative research was the most frequently implemented method, followed by literature reviews, qualitative research, and mixed research method in order. In research theme, parent-competency reinforcement program was the most frequently implemented theme followed by parent education, socio-emotional issue, special education for young children with special needs, family support, early childhood sex education, and program analysis in order. Education area showed the most active participation in parent education program for young children in comparing with other academic areas in research field. Conclusion/Implications: Research trends of young children's parent education programs showed steady increase in their amount, frequency, and diversity as well. Minority parents need more attentions for providing the next young generation's educational equality. Parent programs during COVID-19 need to gain more research attentions as well as care-giving grandparents, social workers, and public health care helpers in child caring service areas in order to alleviate low-birth rate.



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