Two New Records of Thaliacea (Chordata: Tunicata) in Korea

  • Su Yuan, Seo (Natural History Museum, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Sun Woo, Kim (Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation) ;
  • Jung Hye, Won (Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.17
  • 심사 : 2022.11.24
  • 발행 : 2023.01.31


Two pelagic thaliacean tunicates, Pyrosoma atlanticum and Cyclosalpa quadriluminis, with bioluminescent organ, were collected from Jejudo Island and Korea Strait. In this study, the Pyrosomatida, which is holoplanktonic colonial tunicate with ascidiozooids embedded in a common test, and to which P. atlanticum belongs, is reported for the first time in Korea. The Cyclosalpa in the Salpida has a bar-shaped alimentary canal beside the branchial bar in both oozooids and blastozooids. Cyclosalpa quadriluminis is added to make Cyclosalpa species in Korea from four to five (C. affinis, C. bakeri, C. polae, C. sewelli, and C. quadriluminis). As a result of this study, 27 species of thaliaceans have been reported from Korea.



This research was supported by National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea (2022M00100, 2022M01100), National Institute of Fisheries Science (R2022030), and the Natural History Museum of Ewha Womans University in part. We thanks to Seung-Hwan Park (H Dive Company) for taking a picture of living thaliacean underwater.


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