A Study on the Diffusion Pattern of Mongolian Mobile Market

몽골 이동통신 시장의 확산 패턴 연구

  • Enkhzaya Batmunkh (Graduate School of IT Policy, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • Jungsik Hong (Graduate School, Department of Data Science, Seoul National University of Technology) ;
  • TaeguKim (Department of Industrial & Management Engineering, Hanbat National University)
  • 바드몬드 앵흐자야 (서울과학기술대학교 IT 정책대학원) ;
  • 홍정식 (서울과학기술대학교 일반대학원 데이터 사이언스 학과) ;
  • 김태구 (한밭대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Received : 2023.11.21
  • Accepted : 2023.12.04
  • Published : 2023.12.31


Purpose: This study aims to analyze the diffusion pattern of the Mongolian mobile phone market. In particular, we used a generalized diffusion model to explore the factors affecting market potenial. Methods: We used three diffusion models to estimate the number of mobile subscribers in Mongolia. Based on the Logistic model with the best fitness, we introduced time-varying market potential and explored the influence of various independent variables such as GDP and inflation. Results: Among the basic diffusion models, the Logistic model was the best in terms of estimation performance and statistical significance. The estimation results of the Generalized Logistic model confirm that investment in the telecommunication sector has a significant positive effect on market potential. The estimation of the Generalized Logistic model effectively describes the continuous growth of the Mongolian telecommunications market until recently. Conclusion: We have analyzed the diffusion pattern of the Mongolian telecommunications market and found that the amount of investment in the sector leads to the growth of the market size. This study is original in terms of its subject - Mongolian telecommunications market and methodology - time-varying market potential.



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