Efficient Large Dataset Construction using Image Smoothing and Image Size Reduction

  • Jaemin HWANG (Dept. of Computer Software, Korean Bible University) ;
  • Sac LEE (Dept. of Computer Software, Korean Bible University) ;
  • Hyunwoo LEE (Dept. of Computer Software, Korean Bible University) ;
  • Seyun PARK (Dept. of Computer Software, Korean Bible University) ;
  • Jiyoung LIM (Dept. of Computer Software, Korean Bible University)
  • 투고 : 2023.02.26
  • 심사 : 2023.03.04
  • 발행 : 2023.03.30


With the continuous growth in the amount of data collected and analyzed, deep learning has become increasingly popular for extracting meaningful insights from various fields. However, hardware limitations pose a challenge for achieving meaningful results with limited data. To address this challenge, this paper proposes an algorithm that leverages the characteristics of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to reduce the size of image datasets by 20% through smoothing and shrinking the size of images using color elements. The proposed algorithm reduces the learning time and, as a result, the computational load on hardware. The experiments conducted in this study show that the proposed method achieves effective learning with similar or slightly higher accuracy than the original dataset while reducing computational and time costs. This color-centric dataset construction method using image smoothing techniques can lead to more efficient learning on CNNs. This method can be applied in various applications, such as image classification and recognition, and can contribute to more efficient and cost-effective deep learning. This paper presents a promising approach to reducing the computational load and time costs associated with deep learning and provides meaningful results with limited data, enabling them to apply deep learning to a broader range of applications.



This research was supported by UISP (University Innovation Support Project) of Korean Bible University in 2022.


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