Comparative Study on Facial Skin Conditions Before and After Washing Face with Placenta CP Soap

자하거 저온숙성비누의 세안전·후 안면피부상태 비교연구

  • Jin Suk Koo (Division of Horticulture & Medicinal Plant, Andong National Univ.)
  • 구진숙 (안동대학교 생명과학대학 원예.생약융합학부)
  • Received : 2023.02.10
  • Accepted : 2023.03.25
  • Published : 2023.03.30


Objectives : Washing face is the first step in skin beauty and health. I wanted to study the cleansing effect by using Placenta cp (cold process) soap. The skin condition is greatly influenced by the external environment such as lifestyle, drinking, smoking, and stress etc. I tried to measure the skin change state without environmental factors. Methods : In order to examine the effect before and after washing face under the same conditions, the same water and towel were used in the same place. The skin test was performed before and 10 minutes after washing. As a control group, a case of washing with water and foam cleanser. I compared and analyzed three cases: water washing, F/C (foam cleanser) washing, and Placenta cp soap washing. Results : In the case of water washing, it was significantly reduced in pores and increased in facial temperature. In the case of F/C washing, the facial temperature was significantly increased, but the decrease in moisture. In the case of washing with Placenta cp soap, significant reductions in T-zone and U-zone oil content, reduction in pore size, and increase in facial skin temperature were observed. Conclusion : In the case of Placenta cp soap, it is thought to be suitable for oily skin type, because of significant decrease in T-zone and U-zone oil content. It is thought to have the effect of increasing blood circulation in the facial skin and to reduce pores for oily skin types.



본 연구는 이공분야 대학중점연구소지원사업(NRF-2018R1A6A1A03024862)의 지원을 받았음.


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